Hi Everyone,
I would just like to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas, and a healthier 2015, but I really wish that you all remain as pain free as possible, and manage to enjoy yourselves.
All the best,
hugs from Huggs xxx
Hi Everyone,
I would just like to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas, and a healthier 2015, but I really wish that you all remain as pain free as possible, and manage to enjoy yourselves.
All the best,
hugs from Huggs xxx
Same to you Huggs Hope your feeling better. Have a good Christmas and an even better new year xx
Hi Gemini,
Thank you, and I am feeling better today, and am going for my nerve block tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
hugs from Huggs xx
Hope all goes well for you Hugs. People in pain like you who still try to have a sense of hummer,deserve a bit of luck to come your way. So here's all the luck,love, and Hugs comeing your way. Take care
Hi Gemini,
Thank you! What a lovely thing to say. Happy to report I have had my nerve block, and felt some relief almost instantly, which was the local anaesthetic having some effect. It is now wearing off, so am hoping that it will work, although I was warned it could take up to 10 days to work.
Hope you are doing okay just now, and thanks again for the luck, love and hugs.
Sending you the same love and hugs, and hope you enjoy tomorrow.
hugs from Huggs xxx
Love the picture.
Throwing a hug your way.
Hi Huggs
The Same to you as well and to all your family. xx
Merry Christmas Huggs xx
Hi all
Happy Christmas and happy new year too u all and I hope 2015 is a better one for u all
Hi Yogibe,
Thanks you, and you make sure you have a good one too. Take care,
hugs from Huggs xxx
That is a lovely picture Huggs, may have some of the real stuff for Christmas according to the weather forecast. Hope your treatment gives you a pain free Christmas, take care and enjoy the festivities xx
Hi Katie,
Thank you, and I hope you get your snow, but we will not be!! Thank you for your good wishes today, and hope you have a pain free Christmas too, or as much as possible. I am just waiting to be picked up, so to speak, and hope you enjoy Christmas day.
hugs from Huggs xxx
enjoy your day, snow forecast has changed to rain that's good news.
Morning Katie, and hope you have a nice day. The weather here is the most unseasonal ever!! I cannot remember ever, a blue sky and the sun shining, although its a bit nippy!!
We do have a wind and snow warning for tomorrow and Saturday, which means we will probably get rain too!! lol See you are still doing a smiley! Have you tried other ones yet, such as a semi colon with a right hand bracket to get a wink, like this but always leave a space before the semi colon and after the bracket.
hugs from Huggs xx
They did not all work (the smilies) because I could not remember what you said about the spaces hopeless me will have to write it down. I've just had a lift home after dinner had a lovely day with my grand children and great grandson. Tomorrow is off to see the others. Hope you had a nice day, weather does not look good for boxing day or Saturday xx
Hi Katie,
I had to write it down too, and when I did it all became clear. Maybe I have confused you further with my explanation. The other smiles I have shown you today, you do in the same way as this one in regards to the spaces, but just different symbols or partly different symbols. You just have to keep a space at the beginning and after a smiley, just the same as you do with words. I cannot write down each smiley exactly as it should be done, as the smilie itself would come up.
The wink is a semicolon and right bracket together with no space in between the semicolon and bracket, but a space before and after these symbols. If you can do a
then you will be able to do the rest, as they are just different letters or brackets. I couldn't get them for ages either, but then all of a sudden it clicked. If you have any questions just ask.
Glad you had a nice day, and I am just back from a friends but didn't stay that long, as my neck started to make itself known and then that starts off the neuralgia. Sitting down with ice packs on my head and hot pack round my neck. lol
Take care,
hugs from Huggs xx
Thanks for the help think I have got the idea for smilies now. Was drawing smilies with the grandson but my arthritic hands won't draw very well but it was a rub off board so we could do it again. Bit stiff this morning with all the playing but we had fun, have a good day Huggs and see you later in the week if not before xx
Same to you Huggs and thank you and best wishes to everyone on here.
Have a great pain free Xmas too. Best Wishes Ann
What a lovely picture xx easter
Such a beautiful photo. Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year. x