Hi I am new to this forum was desperate to li... - Pain Concern
Hi I am new to this forum was desperate to link up with others in pain!! Feel so alone with it sometimes x any alternative therapies anyone

Hi sarahjd, welcome to the forim, sorry you are struggling with pain.It can feel very isolating at times when others dont understand. Many people find alternatives can help I have tried acupuncture but didn't help me personally. What is causing your pain? Maybe if you could explain a little more about it someone may have had some success in helping to ease it, best wishes
Hi Sarahjd
Like you I live with pain and I think sometimes I have been lucky as most of my pain I have had for so lond I have gotten used to it but about six years ago I had a bout of pneumonia and was out of commission for a couple of weeks and in those weeks my osteoarthritis decided to really have a go and seemed to get in every joint and all of a sudden those pains I had gotten used to became intolerable and I had to go on stronger and stronger drugs to dull the pain.
I am now on a complete mixture of pain medication as well as COPD medication as I have had three more bouts of pneumonia since the first.
All I can suggest is to ask your GP for more pain medication and to get to a pain clinic and a pain management course whatever you have in your area.
You can also check to see if there are any pain support groups in your area.
I do not know what it is giving you your pain but if it is Fibro or arthritis or whatever you should check with this site as there are a lot of support groups for various ailments, just check the Communities up the top in the green strip, and do a search for whatever you feel closest to.
I am in the Pain Concern, Fibro action, Foggy's invisible illness support, EDMESH and Arthritis Foundation of South Africa.
I must admit I have more activity on the Fibro Action site as it is something that is closest to my heart as I can sympathise with the symptoms and hope I can in some small way help someone.
If you choose to join any of these groups you will be welcomed and usually if there are any questions about you symptoms or your pains there is usually someone there to talk to.
Please Take Care and Kindest of Regards
Hi Terry, I noticed you are a member of the South African Arthritis foundation. Do you live there? I am in the UK but spent over 30 years there. Am interested to see what is happening with arthritis over there. Is it online? Stay well. Ann
No I live in the UK as well, thanks for asking, but the only arthritis group was the South African one when I was looking, I sometimes comment or post a blog but I said at the beginning that I was in the UK and they welcomed me so I have stuck with them. They are a friendly group but with fewer members than most as they are fairly new. Stick with them they are an interesting lot.
Take care and kindest regards
Pain is such a challenge: the disease is bad enough but the mental challenge of trying to work out whether your pain is really as bad as you think it is, or perceive it to be, drives you nuts: would someone else just get up and climb a mountain? Randolph Feines wakes up and discovers his foot's drooped off through frostbite and decides to run a marathon.... makes you sick.
That's what's so isolating: no one else understands what you are feeling. Pain killers are only a very limited kind of help: they just don't work for many of us (my pain is chronic migraine). So the only thing that one can do is try to persuade the brain to work differently, to sideline the pain somehow. It's all in the mind...
We all know that if we go for a walk on a bright sunny day when the birds are singing, somehow we do feel so much better, the pain somehow recedes whereas if you sit at home being wretched, the pain gets more and more intense. Depression and pain are close allies, reinforcing one another. So if you can take as much out door exercise as possible and also develop yoga techniques for leading the mind away from self-obsession, you will feel a lot better. The pain will still be there but it wont consume you, there will be nicer things going on in your mind which will occupy your attention instead....
Thanks everyone for those kind words, my pain is caused by having two hip replacements and I have been left with a massive amount of scar tissue in my muscles which is incredibly painful as my muscles can't work properly. I have been t a pain clinic and had some steroid injections in my muscles which were amazing but can't have loads of these so trying to save them when its gets really bad!!
My Go is going to refer me to a pain management course as not sure if I am not coping physically or mentally withthe pain, iI am lucky my GP is really good.
I just get annoyed how it distruptes my life it has caused my depression but my family are brilliant and my long suffering hubby really helps me.
I have had hip problems for 21 years since we had a car accident so should be used to it ha!
Am really happy to be on this forum as no one really understands you unless they have had chronic pain.
Love to you all and hope all your pain is behaving itself today! Xx
Hi and welcome, regarding alternatives, I use a TENS machine which is very good. I have the one where the pads are attached to a belt that does up with velcro as the one with the sticky pads kept falling off and is not as effective. Have you tried one? I've also had accupuncture (not that helpful for me) and a sports massage which was good. I also have steroid injections in my hips and pelvis which helps. What have you tried or what meds are you on? I have set up a Facebook page as I'm trying to get chronic pain out in the media as it is rarely discussed, so if you are in the UK it's Getting Chronic Pain on the Map
Sarahjd sorry for delayed reply, been to acupuncture for another ongoing pain. Like you I have had chronic pain of arthritis for many years now, this year I have had other pains too and agree with you it is difficult to understand unless you have it. I have a massage bed at home which can help, but not everyone can afford such luxuries. Latest treatment is towards laser but not everyone can have that, depends what health issues you have and whether you can pay for it. Hand held massager's are quite reasonable to purchase and can be used on different parts of the body, especially if you have a hubby who can do it for you. Talk is another way of taking your mind off the pain. Pain relief is very much an individual thing, with hip problems it must be difficult when you have to walk or do you use mobility aids? Best wishes understand how it feels
Thanks for replies I do have a TENS machine but find it difficult to use during the day cause of sticky pad issue so thanks sharelle will look for one with a belt , would I get one on the internet?? I am on tramadol and naproxen twice a day slow release, am having difficulty with anything stronger as seem to react badly , have tried dihydrocodiene, fentanyl patch 12.5 mg and targinect either didn't give me relief or had bad side effects so now back on tramadol and my go will refer me back to pain clinic. Might look into acupuncture bit mindful of finance as had to cut down to part time and don't claim any benefits.
I do have trouble walking sometimes and walk with a limp but am quite stubborn and can't bring myself to use a walking stick although have had to at times, still struggling with the acceptance thing !!
Hi sarahjd I find hot water bottles very comforting and woulf also like details of the TENS with belt x
So sorry to hear about your pain x
Yes definarely thumbs up for hot water bottles. I looked online for the tens belt but it seemed to be for your back which not sure it would fit on my hip ?? But will try to look at the website again.
I use the tens machine at home but find it a bit cumbersome to wear all day as use four pads and its carrying the box around esp if wearing trousers without pockets or a dress.
I tried that new actipatch but wasn't sure it really helped !!
Wishing you all pain free time x
There is a Wireless Tens machine. Pricey but worth while if you don't want wires and a box. The controller is about the size of a tiny phone and of course you don't need it with you all the time only every 30 mins or so when you "start" it up again.
I've got larger sticky pads that don't fall off unless they catch on something. Better for larger areas .
So sorry Sweetheart. Have you been to a pain clinic? If not please go, it's made my life at least bearable. I pray this helps you!!! xxx Mitzi
Not yet mitziblue, have got to speak to my go this week then he said he will refer me, have been once and had steroid injections in my muscles but cause its such a high dose he does not like to do too many in a lifetime so am trying to save for when its so bad can't cope anymore, think pain management course may help , my go is really good and sends me to the private Hosp so normally I get seen quite quickly !!
Sorry to hear you are suffering. Welcome on board. You will find lots of help here. I have. Ann.
thanks wonder if anybody had tried cod with the pain part not the poco part. and did it help.
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