does anyone have this? a friend of mine has just been diagnosed. I'd not heard of it.
De Quervain syndrome: does anyone have this? a... - Pain Concern
De Quervain syndrome
Yes I have it in both wrists, horrendous pain, suffered for years on and off, I have rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, had carpal tunnel ops both wrists but this is far worse. The ortho surgeon I am seeing is fantastic, gave me steroid jabs which were incredibly painful to have because he wove the extremely long needle in and around the joints. Took two weeks before feeling any benefit, then fantastic pain relief at last!! They are flaring again, pain running down thumb, round wrist and up arm. Surgeon wants my rheumy to put me on better drugs before operating. I have great faith in him, he specializes in hands/forearms and noted for his skills. Still waiting for rheumy drug evaluation, so may be long time before surgery. Lynda x
thank you lynda, she's going to join hu.
Yes I had it bad in both wrists. Had the operations in October. My left wrist is great now. But they've damaged my right thumb (easily done as I have hypermobility syndrome) so it's still not completely better. But both are way way better than before. No more constant pain. It's great. It can be completely cured by the op.
I've had Quervains for a few years. I was splinted,had physio, painkillers, had steroid injections, which didn't work, then surgery. I am in more pain now than before the surgery, and since it is in my right hand, and I am right handed, it is causing considerable interruption to my life. I am back at physio, back in a splint, now on neuropathic painkillers. I am about to try acupuncture via physio this week, but have been told if that doesn't work, I will have to be referred to a pain clinic, as there is nothing else that can be done. It's extremely frustrating, the pain is always there and I feel like it is never going to get better.