I suffer from extreme pain when I am walking ... - Pain Concern

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I suffer from extreme pain when I am walking or standing. Have just been prescribed Pregabalin. Can anyone tell me about this drug?

peperpup profile image
16 Replies

The pain is in my gluteus muscles and the Pregabalin was prescribed at the Pain Clinic. Have had trigger point injections for this before (which didn't really work) but this new consultant doesn't believe in them anyway.

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peperpup profile image
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16 Replies


The drug you mention is a Anti depressant, its contraindications include the relief of Nuro Pain. Pain in the nerves. Stops pins and needles, numbness etc Are you taking pain control and NSID medications

All the best


peperpup profile image
peperpup in reply to

Hi Bob. I am on lots of meds for various conditions (mainly bi-polar) and I can't take anything aspirin based. On top of that my gamma GT score is between 235 and 324 (should be around 35) and I have to watch that this does not increase too much. My score is that of an alcoholic, yet I don't drink a drop! So far I've been relying on paracetemol which doesn't help at all, really. Have tried dihydracodeine and co-codamol but they don't seem to help much either. Also tried the old-fashioned anti-depressant, Amiltryptiline, but this didn't help either. I should get the Pregabalin on Christmas Eve and I am hoping for an improvement. I gather this is one you start off low and work up to a therapeutic dose. Does it get a good reputation for helping my kind of pain? Ann

in reply to peperpup

Hello Pepper

The dose they give you for nuro is lower than what you require if taking it for mental health

I take Amytryptalene for nuro and Citalopram for my Reactive depression, Also take medications for pain control. So we both seem to have everything covered.

Good luck all the very best for Christmas and New Year


peperpup profile image
peperpup in reply to

Thanks, Bob, for all the information that you have given. I have read some old posts about Progabalin and some people have had awful experiences. I'll just have to wait and see and keep my fingers crossed. Seasons greetings to you, too. Ann x

earthwitch profile image

Pregablin is actually an anti-convulsant (i.e. used in types of epilepsy) but has been proven to have a good effect on neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is another anticonvulsant drug with a similar effect (also used for epilepsy, but can help a lot with neuropathic pain). Amitryptylline can have a similar effect with modifying pain, and also with neuropathic pain, if used in low doses. Its only in higher doses that it becomes an antidepressant.

Sometimes its hard to know how much pain is "neuropathic" as you can end up with neuropathic pain either by having nerves irritated by inflammation or by damage, or by having such chronic pain over a long time that the nerve signals "misfire" a bit (thats not medical terminology - just my words). Either way, its well worth trying one of the above meds to see if it has an effect on modifying your pain.

peperpup profile image
peperpup in reply to earthwitch

Thanks for that, Earthwitch. I will give the Pregabalin a go and hope that I am one of the lucky ones.

SylviaH profile image

I was prescribed Pregabalin for severe nerve pain after a knee replacement went wrong. I am sure it works for some people but not only did it not relieve the pain, I found that it could have severe side effects, all of us are different, but I found this drug caused me to have hallucinations, and you have to increase the dose gradually, I came off it as it just did not work and the hallucinations were frightening. Also do not be concerned if a drug you are prescribed is classed as an anti depressant, many painkillers are, but work well, I am on Amitriptyline which is an antidepressant, but I have a low dose at night and 30mg of slow release Oxycontin twice a day and after trying nearly all the others I find this is perfect pain relief for me because even though the pain does not go completely, it is manageable all day, I hope you can find pain relief that suits you, just keep trying

BlueBaron profile image

Hi, I have just stopped taking pregabalin as it started to make my hip joints very painful, I have gone back to using Gabapentin which worked better for pain at night, but gave me mood swings, it seems to me that both drugs are from the same family and can both have similar side effects, the hip pain apparently is very rare.

BlueBaron profile image

They also use pregabalin and Gabapentin for controlling epilepsy, as it interferes with nerve/pain receptors to the brain, I was told (in my case) it is used with other pain killers, for instance I am on Codine phosphate for lumbar disc pain and I have also just had a number of facet joint injections which have given me some short term pain relief for serivcal spondilosis along side the Gabapentin for pain relief during the night.

peperpup profile image
peperpup in reply to BlueBaron

Thanks, Sylvia and BlueBaron, for the information and advice. I'm a bit apprehensive, but I am going to start on the Pregabalin as soon as I get it and very much hope that it will be successful. If not, well . . . just have to try something else! I have a lot of experience of coming on and off drugs and it is sometimes very difficult indeed.

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to peperpup

I've also got pregabalin on my list of possibilities for the GP to try (as advised by the pain specialist),but I have a couple of other things to try first.

deb25426 profile image

Hi I'm on pregabalin for pain, in same sort of Area as yourself. I was told it to stop neuropathic pain ( nerve endings so I understand) I have back problems that's causing my pain and I must say that it has helped me so much.. The only downside is weight gain, fortunately I'm only on a small dose, but the bit of weight gain I have had is affecting my back so it's a vicious circle!!!! But I'm going back to pain management to sort this as I am quite overweight due to inactivity.... But I will say it did help me loads as I could walk for 40mins instead of 5-10 mins!

peperpup profile image
peperpup in reply to deb25426

Hi Deb, it's great to hear that the pregabalin has worked for you. I'm just on 50mg in the morning at the moment and that's not making much difference. Still, a long way to go! I would say my walking is about 5 mins at the moment and I would love to walk for 40mins. So would my dog! I am very overweight too and am conscious that the pregabalin could add to the problem. I'm thinking about trying the 5-2 diet to see if I could shed a couple of stone. It sounds as if we have a lot in common!

deb25426 profile image
deb25426 in reply to peperpup

I take 25mgs morning and night. The nurse said what happens is the pregabalin empties your tummy faster that's why you eat more!!! Advised to have little healthy options in between meals!

bentleyfoxer profile image

I am on pregablin and apart fromsome weight gain have had good results when combined with amytriptiline,

Looper50 profile image

I am now on 150 mg morning and afternoon and 100 mg at night. I feel like I'm floating but no other side affects

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