Somatoform pain disorder- Any one have any ex... - Pain Concern
Somatoform pain disorder- Any one have any experience of this?

BOB here
I understand that it is a mental disorder, that mimics various conditions including pain, So I understand that you suffer various levels of depression and anxiety, possibly chemical induced, not sure
You are the first patient that I have seen on this site, normally you will be seen by a CPN
Are you corresponding with an Anxiety help group on HEALTHUNLOCKED.???.
How can I help you???
Hey, Thank you for replying. I am part of the anxiety group on here. I have other medical conditions other than depression and Anxiety. such as Dystonia.
I'm just looking to hear from other people who have had this said to them. any useful information etc.
Hello Ella
BOB here
I understand with your dystonia, it can be genetic, and effect parts of the brain
Your other prime condition can possibly effect a chemical imbalance in the brain also.
Last night I contacted the charity that covers DYSTONIA so that I can understand how your condition effects your body
Also in past I was involved in a mental health charity in Northern England so I have a little knowledge that both your conditions cover.
Pain control etc comes in many guises, chemical imbalances can cause so many problems and I suppose your conditions are what you are, I cannot make judgement on another persons pain as the problems you have can be very selective in your eyes, I need too know more if you need support..
My condition causes, severe chronic pain and I also need to take medications to get through the day.
How can we support you on your primary condition, I understand you are on the other site and you may be looking for further support, so I can possibly understand your needs.
What can we do for you to assist
All the best
Hello. Thank you for taking your time to investigate and stuff, It means a lot. I plan on staying here and over on the anxiety /IBS. Me sites also
Hello Ella
Bob here
Do you feel that your primary illness is connected by Dystonia, and that could make you sensitized to the pains you feel
Also I have a support line here, they have not given an e mail address it is just a P O BOX NUMBER,
Find below
PO BOX 2860
You know where I am if you need some support, your condition is very real too you
All the best

Personaly I don't believe I have somatoform pain disorder I feel there is something else . but that is one of the things iv seen written about it. that the patient doenst believe it . I feel soo hopeless
I think they say that when they can't find a cure for complex pain.....they say it's in your head to let them off the hook for not being as helpful as they could.
Hello Ella
Some understanding here, when I first had problems it took the GP many years to decide that I had problems, it cost us a great amount of private treatment and letters from specialists until they confirmed my condition, some times you need to put your money where your mouth is to prove what is wrong as we can become sensitized to pain, and that leads to chronic pain.
I am now treated fully by the NHS regarding this, although I lost my job in the process.
I do not know how old you are, so I do not know the conditions you are in with regard to your GP, so there are further things you can look into as a private patient, although that is no help for you now.
When your primary condition could possibly be effected by the secondary condition you may have to consider a more radical approach This may not give comfort at this time, although their are the aforementioned pathways
All the best

Hi, I have been looking into private treatment but to be honest I don't have a clue where to start. I am 24
Hello Bob here.
For a start go to the GP, ask for a second opinion, if that becomes problematic Ask the doctor names of consultants that are in private practice. This can be expensive, get a prognosis from a good chiropractor who can feel problems in joints etc
One way you could approach your condition is the DYSTONIA the leading prognosis in your complaint.
Look up the DYSTONIA CHARITY WEBSITE It is jam packed with suggestions regarding your condition.
Hope this helps
FunkyMumma, that's what I was thinking from the fact that the dr was talking about doing some tests until she read that I have IBS. I think they are just trying to save the NHS money by not doing these tests
Inspired by this post, we have produced the following article on the topic of somatoform pain disorder. We really hope it will be helpful. Feedback is also very welcome.
Best wishes,
Pain Concern Team