Hi All,
Quick update for those interested in my journey. As you may recall my CA125 went down to 90 after treatment 3 in first line chemo but then started rising. Last chemo was 28th October and as of 19th December my CA125 was around 480, doubling about every 4 weeks. PET scan shows it is in my Peritoneum but nothing too awful yet. There is something in my left breast but I am having an ultrasound to see if it is cancer or just something else. The bloating is there but not bad enough yet to drain, but enough to make me feel generally unwell and difficulty in standing upright. So I am starting 2nd line on 9th Jan (pending sign off from my main oncologist rather than his registrar I saw today). The good news is...they found me some Caeylx! So scan, symptoms and CA125 all point to more treatment now.
Thanks to all of you who have wished me well. It could have been worse - I was prepared for news I was riddled with it. Because it is multi-site (Peritoneum) an operation or radiotherapy is not appropiate.
Bring it on.
Love Lizzie