Battered and Bruised: Hi there sorry I've not... - My Ovacome

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Battered and Bruised

ScardyCat40 profile image
14 Replies

Hi there sorry I've not been around for a while but just didn't feel like posting or doing very much really but thanks for those of you who checked up on me it was very much appreciated to know I wasn't forgotten.

In other news I have acquired a cat. She was abandoned and I found out about her through a friend she's about 1yr I think, black and white like Jess on Postman pat but I decided to call her Mia. I don't think I've ever loved anyone so much in my life lol. It just feels so special when she decides to sit on my knee so I am fast becoming mad cat lady.

No news on the relationship front I've decided to give it a break for a bit of a while its actually quite tiring after a while.

I had my gall bladder removed last week and they were able to remove it by keyhole surgery but I am a bit bruised, swollen and sore at the moment - the cat keeps jumping on my tummy as well.

The consultant said it all went well and he didn't see any evidence of disease which I was re leaved to hear especially as its my 3 monthly review this week so hopefully my CA125 hasn't gone up.

I haven't been doing much running but I have been eating a lot of cakes so consequently I've put on more weight and now my clothes don't fit me properly. I've even had to invest in some big girl pants :))

So what have I missed? Have they found a cure for ovarian cancer yet?

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ScardyCat40 profile image
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14 Replies
wendydee profile image

Well helllllllo there! Welcome back, Lorraine! It's so good to 'see' you again. I'm glad you have got through the gall bladder op and that they didn't find any hidden extras in there. All the best with your check up later this week.

I completely understand about the cat-love. I had a beautiful black and white one, Dizzy, who died quite e few years ago now. I still miss him so much. He saw me through all my infertility tests, my OC, my recuperation. He ended up with stomach cancer, poor love. He was my baby-substitute maybe, as soft as anything. He used to put his nose up near mine for a 'kiss' and answer me when I talked to him ...... Stupid? Me? Well ....... ;-)

It's disappointing when a relationship doesn't work out, but sometimes better to let things lie low for a while. I hope Mia is helping you through it all.

Rest easy, you haven't missed a cure for OC yet! Pmsl :-D

Lovely to hear from you again

Love Wendy xx

ScardyCat40 profile image

Thanks I'm a bit bored at the mo as I can't do very much. Its amazing what you need your belly for.....

Hi Lorraine,

Welcome back, I am glad all went well with your operation and that it was keyhole, (much quicker recovery time) give Mia a big hug for me, and I hope she's not a ScardyCat. Teehee sending you loads of love x G x :-) :-/ ;-)

charlie12 profile image

Hi Lorraine

So lovely to hear from you and very good news that your poor tum is clear.

Cats are just wonderful , I had our darling little lad for 19 years , we miss him alot. He as a also black and white and such a character. Like Wendy he was with me through everything. I hope you and little Mia have many years of love and happiness together.


Charlie xxx

citrine profile image

Hi Lorraine

Glad the gallbladder op went ok and pleased to hear about Mia. I love cats too. Sally is a calico cat who belongs to one of my neighbours but she thinks that all the houses in the street belong to her. A typical cat :)

Love Mary xx

XHelp profile image

Hi Lorraine, just to say I wish you a speedy recovery. Cats are remarkable things and very healing, our Cat would make a point of sitting on or next to anyone who was ill or in pain. She seemed to thrive on drawing out the negativity associated with it she got off you felt better and she seemed to be charged up and raring to go. I know it possibly sounds daft but it worked. She was called Scruffy my husbands idea of a joke as she was pure white and the most beautiful cat I had ever seen. We live on a small holding with an assortment of creatures new lambs etc, but since Scruffy went no other cat has been near....could be something to do with the two german shepherds and a blood hound, but I like to think its because she is still around in a way. I hope you and little Mia have a lovely times together. Love Karen xx

Sadly not, wish they had. Good luck with the review and I so hear you on the cake / clothes dilemma... Cats are actually the answer to it all. You can't be miserable with cats. I acquired an insane kitten called Minx during chemo, and I totally adore her. The other 6 are might p'd off at all the attention she gets though, but I tell them that if they also were small and curled up under my chin at every opportunity and decided my lap was, basically, bed, then they would get a bit more TLC...


Sue xxx

Ps I do actually adore the lot of them. I get distracted by fluffy things all the time when having conversations with my husband, its a standing joke!

Whippit profile image

Dear Lorraine

Really lovely to hear from you again. I think we all wonder if all is OK when we don't hear from a friend from time-to-time and I always hope that's because there's good news.

It sounds as though your gall-bladder op went really well. Let's hope you make a very speedy recovery though I can imagine it's put paid to any running for a while. I hope you can find some interesting things to do to keep cheerful while you recuperate. Mia sounds a lovely little lady who has already recognised a best friend when she sees one. My cat Mincer is also sensitive to anyone who's feeling poorly and is extra cuddly and kind at those times.

Good riddance to bad relationships say I. Not worth bothering with until one day out of the blue and when you're least looking for it someone very special enters your life.

I'm not sure you've missed out on any spectacular news re a cure but I'm sure it's just round the corner. We've had a bit of sadness of late but Sharon (Shazican) has heralded sunnier weather and cheered us up with her wonderful Scottish wedding photos and songs.

Take care. xxx love Annie

Anne-2 profile image

Hi Lorraine

Glad your op went well and I hope the soreness is wearing off. Mia sounds delightful- I'm fostering a Westie at the moment who is great fun!

With love from a mad dog lady to a mad cat lady!!!!

Anne xx

Good to hear from you Lorraine. it's good to have the op behind you and I hope all goes well for your review.

Are you going to post a picture of Mia?


Linda xx

Jan76 profile image

Hi there Lorraine .......

Really good to hear from you and that your op is over and done with ....

Do so hope that you have some good news from your review this week its just what you need right now .

Loved hearing about your new cat Mia . A cat for company cannot beat it ...we still miss our Tessa who we lost when she was 21 she left a big void in our lives . Love to see a pic of Mia ...

Love Jan xxxx

ScardyCat40 profile image

I'll see if she can stay still long enough to get a decent picture of her

VickyEm profile image

Hi Scardy

Good to hear from you. Lots of people take a little break from the site and its always nice when they get back in touch, especially when they have good news to tell. Glad to hear that the op went well and it must be very reassuring to know the surgeon could not see any evidence of disease. :)

I can empathise with you about looking for a relationship; you get to a point when you just don't have the energy any more, but lovely Mia can more than make up for that I bet.

Hope you are feeling fighting fit again soon.


suzannehadenough profile image

Hi. Lorraine. Good to hear your ok

Lots if love

Suzanne. Xxx

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