ca125 result: I am due my 3mthly. review and had... - My Ovacome

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ca125 result

poleglass profile image
31 Replies

I am due my 3mthly. review and had my ca125 checked by my gp before I go to oncoligist appointment as there is a waiting list for review. terrible i know. i wanted to get it checked so if it had risen drastically my gp would ring oncology and get the appointment sooner.It was sitting at 26 in early october 4 mths. ago and lo and behold it has only went up to 36! I am delighted as this time last year it had jumped from 14 to 89 and I had to have my 3rd. line chemo, 18 sessions of weekly taxol. I have been taking alternative medicine and i wonder if this has played a contributary factor in slowing the rise of the ca125.i dont know but i will continue to take them as I have seen a positive result.I have been taking tumeric capsules, wheatgrass capsules, curcumin capsules, apricot kernels and miistletoe extract drops.Just wanted to share this all with you .x

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31 Replies
mariej profile image

Poleglass, what encouraging news! I'm interested in curcumin also. Are turmeric and curcumin different supplements? I thought they were the same thing, but I don't know much.

poleglass profile image

i think they are different but if they are not, i have been taking two of each every day for 4 mths. and they havnt done me any harm! una x

in reply to poleglass

Turmeric is the spice of which one ingredient (the one ascribed the anti-inflammatory action) is curcumin - so they are the same. To take lots will not hurt you. To take culinary turmeric in your food will do the job too - and it is hugely more efficacious when mixed with ground black pepper. It's less expensive that way!

Good news! May it continue for you,


Thank you for sharing your good news, best wishes love x G x :-)

poleglass profile image

hope you are enjoying my cd. gwyn. this batch up to now has raised 8000 pounds, just 2 more thousand to go to reach the target of 10,ooo pounds. it has already raised 21,500 so added together it will total 31,5oo for the n.ireland hospice.I am so pleased.

in reply to poleglass

Wow what a lot of money, that is such good news, well done it is a great cd.

Love x G x

fannyanny profile image
fannyanny in reply to poleglass

Well! That has cheered me up no end as I am about to start weekly taxol. God - it would be marvelous if your cocktail kept things at bay? I have heard that tumeric is good and mistletoe - gonna look into this definately! Did you take them whilst you were on taxol orwait until you had finished the course? Great news for you anyway eh? Long may it last xx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to fannyanny

hi! fannyanny. I was told not to take any alternative medicines while in chemo as it can interact with it and stop it working I know that fish oil supplements can stop it working too. I waited 3wks. until my chemo was finished and then started my regime.I thought it could be no worse than toxic chemo and at least if it didnt work at least i had tried.Nothing ventured , nothing gained. x una

Whippit profile image

Dear Una

I'm really interested in complementary supplements but I'm really confused as to where to source them and what quantities.

Would you be prepared to share this information - either here on the blog or via PM. My CA125 is rising pretty exponentially these days so I just feel anything I can do/take that might help is worth trying.

Hey, I'm delighted with your news. Long may that continue. It seems like a great idea to see your GP prior to the review with the oncologist so you can be prepared. My GP's great like that too!

What is the disc you're selling? Is it one I can buy to support the hospice project?

love Annie xxx

in reply to Whippit

Look in Holland and Barrett they are very helpful in our local one in Caerffili

Chris xx

sarah1963 profile image
sarah1963 in reply to

Whenever you mention Caerffili it makes me think of my childhood. I lived in Llanishen near Cardiff until I was 7. I told my parents that I wanted my ashes to be scattered from the top of Caerffili mountain. I'm not sure why I was contemplating my own death at such a young age but it obviously made an impression!

I now live in Norfolk - alas no mountains.

Sarah xxxx

in reply to sarah1963

Hi Sarah, I'm a 'white settler', I was born and brought up in Glasgow. I married a Welsh man for my sins. I came to live in Caerffili in 1976 and the changes since then are enormous. It is quite lovely at the top of Caerffili mountain, the cafe has had a makeover and does a great trade with walkers.

Norfolk is nice, only visited once on my way to Great Yarmouth in the '80's. That was a dreadful trip, before the M25!!

I hope it will be some time before your ashes are scattered on the mountain xx Chris

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Is the breakfast butty bar still up there? If so we should hold our meetings there. They're the best I've ever had - and the best views to boot! xxx

in reply to Whippit

It's quite posh these days and they still do the best breakfast roll around. You could feed a family of 4 on it. Bit too cold for meetings at this time of the year as it is still all outdoor. Too cold in the summer come to that xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Thanks for reminding me. I'm almost drooling just thinking of it. It's a great place to walk the dog so just as soon as the weather settles a bit I'll take a visit and stop off for breakfast after the walk. !!

chrissy88 profile image
chrissy88 in reply to Whippit

Hi Annie. Have you read chris woollans book everything you need to know to help you beat cancer. It has lots of info regarding diet supplements etc. also he has a website cancer active .com which is useful. You can order supplements from them and you can speak to staff that will advise you. Chrisssy x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to chrissy88

Dear Chrissy

I've only just seen your comment. I'll find Chris Woollans book and will have a read. It will be really helpful to add to the arsenal.

Loads of love xxx Annie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Whippit

hi! annie.I couldnt get the mistletoe extract drops in holland and barretts but got it in a health shop in belfast on the lisburn rd. called framar health.I dont know if they deliver overseas but you can check. The mistletoe extract is made by that famous medical herbalist jan de vries so i am sure you should be able to get it direct from his web site. I also took 2 tumeric tabs a day one in morning and one at tea time. Two curcumin in the morning, two wheatgrass capsules in the morning , and 15 drops of mistletoe extract twice daily in some water and also 6 apricots kernels just chewed and swallowed. they are very bitter and not a pleasant taste!I hope this is of some help to you.una xp.s i got all the other tablet supplements in holland and barrett.ok.

Yogini01uk profile image
Yogini01uk in reply to poleglass

Don't want to alarm you but its recommended that only one apricot kernel per day should be consumed. I researched it on Internet, I think it contains traces of arsenic.


Jean xx

Yogini01uk profile image
Yogini01uk in reply to Yogini01uk

Sorry it's not arsenic , its traces of cyanide.

Jean. Xx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Yogini01uk

I read write up in our local paaper by herbalist and she recommended 5 a day. I have been taking this dosage for 4mths. and am still here so it hasnt done me any harm.x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to poleglass

Thanks for all this information Una. There is so much out there. I think that's why I'm always prevaricating as to what I should be taking and really wish I could find a professional person who is qualified to manage a supplement routine for me. Jean (Yogin) was only mentioning today about apricot kernels being helpful - but see her comment below. She did mention that it can be dangerous to overdose.

I shall look in to all your recommendations. A good excuse for along weekend in Belfast to call in to Framar Health. A visit to Northern Ireland is long overdue.

Love Annie xxx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Whippit

If you come over let me know and we can meet up for lunch and compare our war wounds!

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to poleglass

Thanks for the invite. I'd definitely be up for that. Flights from Bristol are very reasonable and I've loved my visits to Belfast when I was on business. It would be good to have more time to explore and take in the beautiful scenery just outside the city. xxxx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Whippit

Annie, i posted the cd. to you this morning so let me know that you got it ok.xuna

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to poleglass

Dear Una

Thanks so much. You haven't send me your address to send the cheque or bank sort code and a/c no to make a transfer.

Can you send me a PM with the details to make a payment.

Can't wait for the CD to arrive.

xxxx love Annie

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Whippit

I am a singer and i recorded this cd. of songs and i am singing them all including one song i wrote for my mother who is dead. the cd. is called angel of hope after the ovarian cancer emblem pin for o cancer. It has so far nearly raised 32,000 pounds for the northern ireland hospice. If you sent me your address annie, i will post one to you and you can send me a cheque for 10pounds.Dont worry about the postage as i will cover it.Let me know.una x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to poleglass

Dear Una, I've just sent you a PM with my address. What an incredible achievement to have raised £32k for the hospice. I'm really looking forward to hearing the CD.

Love Annie xx

poleglass profile image
poleglass in reply to Whippit

if you go onto u tube and type in angel of hope una crudden, you will be able to hear the song i wrote which is on the cd. and a brief bit about me . The pictures you will see during the song are from the glens of antrim near the giants causeway in northern ireland and has beautiful scenery.I am lucky as i have a caravan down there and have been holidaying there since i was a child.una x

iamstillme profile image

Hi Poleglass great to hear your good news . I too have been taking tumeric/multi vitamin and green tea supplements . I am interested to know were you sourced the mistletoe drops if you dont mind sharing

Ally xx

poleglass profile image

I got them in a shop in belfast called "framar Health shop" on the lisburn rd. belfast.Could not get them in holland and barrett.If its any help they are made by that famous medical herbalist jan de vries so you may be able to order it on the internet. hope this is a help to you x una

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