My new tumour is on the site of a post operative abscess afte my debulking op in 2010. I am seeing the gynae surgeon a week on Thurs to discuss another op as the tumour is constricting my bowel. I am so nervous as there is a real risk of bowel damage and a colostomy. Bang goes my aquarobics, the one form of exercise I can still do.
New tumour, another op? Very scared!: My new... - My Ovacome
New tumour, another op? Very scared!

Sorry to see you have a new worry but colostomy (in my case ileostomy) is not the end of the world. In fact it may save your life and after the initial healing you will probably still be able to do your aquarobics. Hope all turns out well for you.
Hi Margaret
Although my OC has taken a different course than yours, I do know what it's like to be very scared and I would suspect that most of the ladies on this site have felt the same. I don't think there is an easy solution to how your feeling but if you have confidence in your medical team to give you the best possible treatment and are getting the support you need from family, friends, GP and others try to be positive about the outcome. There are lots of other forms exercise than aquarobics and I'm sure you will find something that gives you as much enjoyment. I really just wanted to wish you good luck and my thoughts are with you. Meryl XXXX
Hi Margaret
Just to say that i will be thinking of you next Thursday - i know what it is like to be really scared. When i went into my op this year i told the surgeon that i din;t want to come out with a 'bag'. He told me afterwards that he would have gone ahead with a colostomy if he thought it would have improved my chances and quality of life. He argued that there would be very little that i wouldn't be able to do. In the event it didn't happen but i do have two friends who have lived with colostomys for a long time and i know that they have been able to live very full lives. Knowling that didn;t stop me panicing though. So good luck - i will keep my fingers crossed for you.
love Angela
Thanks to you all for your support! I am relieved to hear that a colostomy (if needed) will not mean no more aqua! They say that the trouble I have had with my hip & knee joints since my first lot of chemo is not related to the chemo but I find it hard to believe! The resultant tendency for the joints to give way has knocked my confidence and in the water I do not have to worry about falling over. I signed a consent for a colostomy before my first op in 2010 so I know that it may be necessary if this tumour is doing more than just pressing on the colon. Can't say I relish the idea but the alternative is worse! I shall end up looking like an O X O grid! LOL.
Hi Margaret, sorry I am late coming into this discussion. I thankfully didn't need a colostomy when I had my de baulking surgery, they removed a tiny part of the bowel that was all. That I have to admit was my greatest worry - why are women so vain ??
My oldest friend had bowel cancer and she has lived a very normal life with 'her bag'..
Good luck with your surgery, when do you have it ?
Anna x
Again sorry to be so late in responding. I remember just before my surgery, when a colostomy looked likely, I saw some really glamorous girls in their underwear on 'This morning'. Their briefs accommodated bags which were very discreet and looked lovely.
Whatever the outcome of further treatment you will be able to adapt and overcome. I remember asking whether I could swim afterwards and the surgeon told me that would not be as problem.
Good luck.
I had to have an ileostomy during my debulking surgery in August 2010. I thought I would I never get used to it, however 15 months later, I now eat more or less what I want, the stoma has settled down and I don't have any difficulties with it.
I would advise anyone who thinks they may need a stoma to log on to the Ileostomy Association forum where they will find loads of advice on how to deal with having 'a bag'. Also you'll find on there that lots of people still do all sorts of exercise including aquarobics. I've found it invaluable in the last year.
Hope this helps. Cathy.
Thanks Cathy! My daughter in law's sister is a stoma nurse and has always made it sound awful. I am quite pragmatic normally but I am finding the waiting time with symptoms increasing a difficult thing to handle.
Half the time I cannot work out whether my symptoms are real or psychosomatic. However irregular bowel movements, nausea, indigestion and lack of appetite can't all be psychosomatic and I have seen the tumour.
Hi Margaret,
Have just read your blog, am so sorry ur now in this position......I send u all my best wishes and support.
Good luck tomorrow!
Thanks for the support Florence and all of you. I suppose that, after the problems that I had after the debulking op last year, I am a bit apprehensive. This tumour is a distinct mass on the site of one of the abscesses. I shall be happier when I have seen Tim Broadhead tomorrow. At least my sister's lumpectomy went well yesterday. I am crossing my fingers that she does not need a radical mastectomy. We await the histology results.