Ovarian cancer and brain tumour?: I have just... - My Ovacome

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Ovarian cancer and brain tumour?

SaraL profile image
26 Replies

I have just been diagnosed with a meningioma 18 months after finishing chemo for ovarian cancer (clear cell adenocarcinoma). Has anyone here experienced similar? It is early days and it is as yet not clear whether the two are related. (The GP seems to think not.)

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SaraL profile image
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26 Replies

I am sorry to hear about your brain tumour...what a terrible ordeal ...I am sorry I am not much help... but sending you my best wishes love x G x

SandyL profile image


I'm so sorry to hear about the brain tumour - I can only imagine how you feel. Believe with everything you have in you, that you will win this new battle. I know it's very difficult to have to face cancer again, but use every resource you have within you to win once again.

During the 13 years since I was diagnosed with OvCa I've known of several women who had brain cancer - AFTER their Ovarian Cancer diagnosis. I know it is quite rare for Ovarian cancer to go to the brain, but it does happen.

A lady I knew was in remission for 10 years after her initial Stage 3c diagnosis, when she was diagnosed with Brain cancer. In her case it was a new primary. That was 4 or 5 years ago and she's still alive and well. She had a course of radiation I believe, after which she was OK.

More recently, my friend's sister was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer about 2 years ago. She went through the usual treatment and was pronounced "disease free". A few months later she started experiencing unusual symptoms e.g. trouble moving her arm and blurry vision. She went straight to her Doctor who sent her for various tests which culminated in a diagnosis of Brain cancer. At the moment, her sister doesn't know if the Brain cancer is a spread from the Ovarian Cancer or a new primary altogether. She seems to be at the same place you are Sara, feeling rather scared and helpless, but regardless, there is ALWAYS hope.

Have you ever heard of the Johanna Budwig protocol? It's based on flax-oil and cottage cheese mixed together with honey added and different fruits. Ground flaxseed is sprinkled over the top. Animal proteins are forbidden (that is the hard part), there's lots of juicing, fresh organic veggies and fruits, brown rice, millet and other 'healthy' foods. Dr Johanna Budwig cured many people of cancer even when 'regular' Doctors had given up.

Brain cancer seems to have a good success rate with the Budwig protocol as there are many testimonials available to back that up. It's a strict diet that eliminates all the bad fats (organic coconut oil and flax oil allowed) and the day begins with sauerkraut juice. I was diagnosed 13.5 years ago with Stage 1V Ovarian cancer. I've been following the Budwig protocol (a bit loosely) for 13 years, - used as a preventative measure. And, with fingers and toes crossed, it seems to be working. I like this protocol because it is FOOD, and food can't hurt you.

If you write to me at: sandy@sandylightfoot.com I will send you more information. I'm sure you'll be doing whatever your Doctor recommends, so it probably wouldn't hurt to do this as well. This is just a suggestion for you Sara because I understand the trauma and the fear of the unknown you're facing right now. Try very hard to be positive, listen to your gut and do whatever you feel necessary to bring you good health again. If you don't do what I'm suggesting, that's OK. You may discover something else that sounds 'RIGHT' for you. Just give it all you've got. My favourite words that I live by are, "Seek and you shall find". You've made a positive step by reaching out to this group. It shows you have that fighting spirit that will beat this latest foe.

Good luck - I'll be thinking of you in the days ahead.


jennybutler profile image
jennybutler in reply to SandyL

high Sandy just basically with the budwig diet what do you take daily and what do you avoid? I went on her sight and very impressed i think we should all follow your example after all 13 years in remission is amazing please can you simplyfy what to do, and where to get pure flax oil? many thanks Jenny xxx

SandyL profile image
SandyL in reply to jennybutler

Hi Jenny,

It's hard to simplify the protocol in writing, but if you write to me directly, I'll send you a pdf about the protocol. I have a couple of other pdf's containing an unpublished article I wrote when I did a writing course a few years ago and a step by step pictorial of how to make the special breakfast. Also, I now add 3 spices to my flax-oil and cottage cheese breakfast: 1/2 teaspoon each of Ginger, Turmeric and Cinnamon.

My e-mail address is: sandy@sandylightfoot.com.

Simplified ... No bad fats, no sugar, no white stuff (white flour,sugar), eat whole grain unprocessed food, no animal proteins. Eat the special breakfast at morning and noon and lots of veggies. Sauerkraut juice first thing in the morning. Eat everything organic. SUNSHINE every day with body exposed as much as possible (hard in frosty Canada:-) and exercise (walking is very good but don't overdo it.)

Write to me ... I'll answer, I promise.


Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to SandyL

Dear Sandy

I'd like to take a look at your Budwig diet too. A friend/neighbour recommended it last year when I was diagnosed but I was happy to stick to the chemotherapy in the first place at that seemed to be the only emergency action to get rid of the tumours.

Now I worry more about no tumours but a recurrence so I'm looking at alternative things. Bleach is a bit drastic isn't it. I'll have a look at the site you recommend. May I PM you for your paper too. It would make helpful reading as the diet is pretty radical.

Best wishes, Annie

SandyL profile image
SandyL in reply to Whippit

Hi Whippit,

I'd love to send you the information by e-mail. The information is in a pdf so is a bit large to post on this site. My e-mail is:


Take care ... looking forward to hearing from you.


jennybutler profile image
jennybutler in reply to SandyL

High Sandy Just to let you know I have been doing the Joanna Budwig diet for 2 months as strictly as I can + 1x frozen lemon grated every night peel pith pips eat it all. Any way saw Doctor at homeopathic today and she was unable to feel any lumps or liquid in my stomach I could feel them before doing diet etc.I also do visulsation, But the diet my hair skin nails much brighter also age tags gone plus a small mole on my nose gone amazing thanks for letting me and others know about it.kind regards Jenny xxx

SandyL profile image
SandyL in reply to jennybutler

Hi Jenny,

I'm delighted you are feeling so much better being on the Budwig diet. It's wonderful that so many other things have been fixed in the process - I understand perfectly what you mean. Remember to 'try' and get a dose of sunshine every day too!

You are an inspiration to others who are seeking to find preventative ways of keeping the cancer away.

Love, Sandy.

wendydee profile image

Hi Sarah, just wanted to send you all my very best wishes and to say keep hoping, keep positive, keep in touch. Sandy's advice spunds excellent. The Penny Brohn website has some useful info too, about healthy eating and complementary therapies. They run weekend courses too which I have heard are excellent. I still use a tape of relaxation, visualisation and meditation talks that I got ten years ago. I am sure it will be reissued in CD form if you need help to relax. It's an anxious time for you. All the best,

Love Wendy xx

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Sara

I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, keep fighting! I also learned this week that my cancer had returned after only 4 months in remission. It's very small and my CA125 is only 84 but it's the fact that it's returned.

I see that you attend the same hospitals as me. I've had all my treatment at Maidstone, and my op, found them so amazing and supportive.

All the best

Love Linda xx

in reply to Archiebanana

Sorry to read that, too, Linda - but don't despair!


Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Archiebanana

Dear Linda

I'm really sorry to hear you've got to start looking at hospital visits again. I'm at about the same stage in time as you so it's something I'm beginning to prepare for too. Is there a good support club in Maidstone? It seems several of you ladies are based there and from what Babs says the hospital is a good one and you're looked after well.

You must be feeling rotten just now. Please let us know how you're getting on. I don't know if this helps - but Professor Gabra says it's not that it has returned, the tumours that appear after the first dose of carbo-platin, he says, were always there. There is hope for us that the new drug will be trialled and work so the carbo-platin becomes more effective.

Keep in touch! love Annie x


Sorry to read of your new development. Sandy has said everything! Very good advice in my opinion. I also used Budwig - flax oil is easily available online or in health food shops. I now use flax seeds in bread and whenever I can - I feed them to our chooks too as they are good for the eggs' quality.

Very best wishes,


Anne-2 profile image

Hi Sara

So sorry to hear your news. I know I live relatively closer to you than some, so if I can help you in anyway, please get in touch.

I'm not workiing at the moment as the contract I took up after Xmass ended in July and the supply agency I used to do a lot of work for is now dragging its' heels- know you'll sympathise with me over that !!

Take care,

Love and prayers

Anne x

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Isadora

Thank you for that. I will keep on fighting this wretched thing!

Love Linda xx

poleglass profile image

sandy my name is una and i am going to email you about the budwig protocol.The only problem with me is that after my operation I took bacterial pneumonia which attacked my heart and put me into heart failure so as well as just finishing 3rd. line chemo last monday i am on heart medication for life and am on fluid restriction too. I am only allowed 1300mls. of fluid a day and on top of everything its a pain so the juicing might be a problem for me because of the fluid amount.I was also diaognosed a 3c o.c. 3yrs. this december with not much remission in between so know I am finished treatment I want to try natural methods to keep it at bay.x

Hi Sarah,

I looked up a "meningioma" and read that they are mostly benign 92% and mostly a primary tumour...I expect you already know this... but thought I would mention it just in case you don't I hope this helps...thinking and praying for you love x G x

lyndhurst profile image


Just wanted to repeat what Gwyn said about meningioma normally being non malignant. I've had 3 small ones for a number of years. One grew a bit causing problems soi had to have radiotherapy at the marsden in London but that's all now dealt with and not a problem just have regular MRI to monitor. Apparently they are common in females

do contact me if you want to know more

Shazican profile image

Hi Sara

I was so sorry to read about ur diagnosis , it's such a hard and worrying time for u but as linda say's u have to keep fighting! Like u Linda I found out at my first 3 month check that my cancer had returned , that was also 4 months ago , I also have the same type type of cancer as u Sara , doctors are now not sure that the cancer had cleared as i was made aware at the very first diagnosis that clear cell doesn't always respond to chemo , i think they could be right. All we can do is keep fighting , keep positive and keep spreading the word , please keep in touch and let us know how u are doing .

Take Care

Sharon xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Shazican

Dear Sharon

I'm really sorry to hear the tumours have resurfaced. Your profile was so interesting and I've often thought of you singing and enjoying that so much. Is it something you feel you can still do and enjoy. It seems to me such a wonderful way of coping with everything. I have to listen to music and singing as I don't have a beautiful voice. I envy you yours.

xxx Annie

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Sharon

Well I must say it was reassuring to read that yours had returned so soon as well, sorry to say that, but it's so easy to think it's only happened to you. I see you were also diagnosed at the same time as me although you have a different cancer. What sort of treatment are you having for it?

All the best, take care.

Love Linda xx

Shazican profile image
Shazican in reply to Archiebanana

Hi Linda , i totally understand what u mean .. at the moment i'm on no treatment as the consultants are in agreement that as i am still healthy with no real medical issues just now that it's best to hold of treatment for now and let me feel well for as long as i can , but they say i'll be back on chemo by April next year ... so i'm taking the opportunity to move house , get married and just generally do all the things i want to do before i start my next session and feeling unwell again ... x

Whippit profile image

Dear Sara

There is a lot of good advice on this blog. What a terrible time you've had. Just the thought of a tumour on the brain is terrifying - but it does seem perhaps that the idea is more horrible than the actual medical condition and that it is likely to be something that you can get sorted out very soon.

My friend developed the same thing. She had to have a brain scan which she said was really fine though she was worried about it beforehand, and she's now had treatment so the tumour has been managed and won't do any harm. It's benign.

Take heart from all our posts. We're all thinking of you. Let us know how you get on with this. If only I could find a reasonable explanation as to why we all have to go through so much with the horrible disease. I can tell you if I were in charge of destiny I wouldn't let things go this way.

with love, Annie xxxx

Archiebanana profile image

Dear Annie

Thank you so much for your kind message. That's the bit I dread, all those hospital visits again. Four months of bliss and feeling so well, no doctors, no hospital - they say all good things have to come to an end! I still feel very well and my gynae surgeon said he has a dilemma as my CA125 is relatively low and the tumours are literally millimetres, but they're there. As my oncologist was on holiday last week he couldn't confer with her with her until she came back this week, she will see me and decide the best course of action. At the moment I just have to wait, I still feel and look well, so have kept myself busy so that I don't think too much.

Maidstone is a brilliant hospital and I have complete trust in my surgeon and oncologist. I have received nothing but help and support through all of my treatment. There does appear to be a number of us in this area at the moment.

I like what Prof. Gabra says and think that it's a very good way of looking at it. The scarey thing is we don't know what's going on in our bodies. I did feel down for the first couple of days but picked myself up and had a busy weekend with friends and family which took my mind off it. I will no doubt get my down times, but I remain positive. I feel most for my poor family, my eldest daughter is so upset as she can't bear to see me go through this again. I feel I came through the last lot a better person, and much more appreciative of the things I had. I also found this site and all the support it offers.

Take care

Love Linda xx

angelina profile image
angelina in reply to Archiebanana

Hi Linda

Sending you my best wishes.....it must have been a terrible shock for you

when told the dreaded 'thing' has returned I had my first 12wk check up

last month and thankfully all was well.

Maybe your next treatment wont be as bad as the last lot and you have

the right positive attitude to get through it again.

Sending you a hug (((X)))

Angie xx

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Angie

Thanks for your lovely message. It wasn't really a shock as I just had this feeling about it. My surgeon has such a wonderful way of delivering bad news it almost sounded ok.

I am hoping the next lot of treatment won't be as bad, as I'm not seeing my oncologist until the 26th November and am feeling well I'm putting it to the back of my mind & getting on with my life. Determined to fight this beast!

Love Linda xx

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