I have been diagnosed with O C after having my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as a preventative measure due to a raised CA125 ( 9 slowly rose to 40), and a Family history of Breast and Ovarian Cancer.
When I received the results of the operation I was expecting to be told they had found some abnormal cells and that choosing to have the operation was the right decision.
I was not prepared to be told I had O C. So was a big shock.
I have been part of the UK FOCSS Study since 2004 and had my CA125 level checked every 4 months and an annual Ovarian scan.
The levels in my CA125 had been rising since the end of last year, my scans had shown a cyst and small amount of fluid but was put down to normal cycle changes. I had a CT Scan to check for anything else that might be abnormal., the results came back ok.
By now as the UK FOCSS Study was coming to an end I was offered the preventative operation as above. I decided it made sense to have the operation.
I now face another operation, a Hysterectomy, followed by Chemotherapy.
I do not know the Stage yet other than it is likely to be 2 or 3. I do know it is High Grade.
Feeling a bit scared if I am honest but remaining positive.