Sue's recent question reminded me to do something I've been meaning to do: to say something in praise of our husbands and partners. Mine was already struggling with depression when I was diagnosed and, as we worked together running a charity, we both had to give up work because the shock, and effort he put into looking after me made it impossible for him to cope. We both took early retirement and came out poorer but happier. One of the nicest things about the 2+ years I've been in remission has been having the time to spend at home with him just keeping the house and smallholding going. We are so much happier than we have been for the 26 years previously when gradually we ran ourselves into the ground 24 hours a day. Latterly that was running around after staff rather than working with clients as we had both been driven to do.
Our partners carry such a burden, They have our fear and distress to deal with, yes, but they also have the threat to the future they were planning, and the awful burden of trying to stay strong for us and other members of the family and friends. They also often try to hold down difficult jobs and positions without a great deal of support.
We often look at each other at a moment when we are both enjoying a task, a radio programme, or something on the tv, wink and say simply "Still here!".
I am more grateful to my best friend than I could ever express, and am confident that he knows this.