Hi ladies,
Had my leg scanned after my chemo today. And good news they could not find a clot. They say it could be a fluid build up in my leg but my vein seem clear. I will of course keep an eye on it and mention it again in 3 weeks when I see the chemo nurse. I feel a bit of a fraud as so many of you left comments on "MY QUESTION " But hopefully they may help someone else who suspects they have a clot.
It was my 3rd chemo today so hopefully my tumor is shrinking by now. It seemed to go well today and they were pleased as I have managed to put on 3 kilos since my first chemo session up to 54 kilos now. Which I was before being diagnosed.
So a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to answer me.
Love and Hugs Babs x x x