I had a TAH at the end of May. 16 hours later a had an emergency operation for a stomach embolism. My Surgeon ha recommended chemo even though the results showed a Stage 1A. However, my oncologist says I do not require the Chemo. Any suggestions? I'm confused. Should I ask for a second opinion?
Chemo or no Chemo?: I had a TAH at the end of... - My Ovacome
Chemo or no Chemo?

Hi Paul . This is probably a decision that only you can make . However if you have any uncertainty i would always ask for a second decision . This is something you do not want to be unsure about .
Hope all goes well
Hi, Ally,
Thank you for getting in touch. I saw my own GP this morning who said my worries were understandable, but to get a second opinion if I need to. Trouble being, my oncologist and surgeon belong to two different PCT's so coordinating a MDT always take time. However, I will persue this until I am happy with the result.
I wish you well and will right a follow up blog when I am satisfied with the outcome.
Hi Paula
If it was me I would have the chemo... and I have had it twice and lost my hair twice...a second opinion wouldn't hurt... but only you can make that decision... your oncologist won't mind you having a second opinion... It's your life you have to look out for yourself....best wishes with whatever decision you make love x G x

Hi, Gwyn,
Thank you for getting in touch. I saw my own GP this morning who said my worries were understandable, but to get a second opinion if I need to. Trouble being, my oncologist and surgeon belong to two different PCT's so coordinating a MDT always take time. However, I will persue this until I am happy with the result.
I wish you well and will right a follow up blog when I am satisfied with the outcome. x
Hi paula
Definitely ask for a second opinion.
Chemo of course is brilliant when indicated, but neither is it a picnic, as I'm certain you know. I had two huge operations 5 months apart and felt very sorry for myself , but how you had two less than a day apart, so you don't want to batter your poor little immune system too much. It will take you a while to get over all of this , so I hoep you are resting lots.
Good luck
Charlie xxx
Hi, Charlie,
Thank you for getting in touch. I saw my own GP this morning who said my worries were understandable, but to get a second opinion if I need to. Trouble being, my oncologist and surgeon belong to two different PCT's so coordinating a MDT always take time. However, I will persue this until I am happy with the result.
I wish you well and will right a follow up blog when I am satisfied with the outcome.
Work have been brilliant, but I am considering an early return, as I feel 100% better than before my ops. It's just the fact that if I wait for thee months for a check up and CA125 test which prove Chemo is the only option, then I won't be treated so favourably - I could do without the stress! xx
Hi Paula
I am sorry to hear that you have had all this confusion. It is not what you want especially when there is a difference of opinion between specialists. If you would like to discuss this further do give us a ring at Ovacome on 08453710554 Mon - Fri 10-5. Obviously I do not know your exact situation but with the most common type of ovarian cancer if it is stage 1a it often depends on what grade tumour it is as to whether chemotherapy will be beneificial. The other option as others have said is to get a second opinion
Best Wishes
Support Line Nurse
Please have chemo, however small your tumor is Paula. That is what I would do. Just try and get rid!!!!
Hi, Fannyanny!,
Thank you for getting in touch. I saw my own GP this morning who said my worries were understandable, but to get a second opinion if I need to. Trouble being, my oncologist and surgeon belong to two different PCT's so coordinating a MDT always take time. However, I will persue this until I am happy with the result.
I wish you well and will right a follow up blog when I am satisfied with the outcome.
Hi Paula,
Stage 1a`s do not usually require chemo unless it is a high grade tumour then it is advisable. You do need to have further consultations about chemo before you can decide and I`d certainly ask for a second opinion + ask about the grading.
Cheomotherapy is no walk in the park but when I was told the taxol could only offer me as low as a 3% better prognosis, I still grabbed it with both hands and lost my hair because of it.
I was told that some ladies turn it down because they don`t want to lose their hair. For me I wasn`t going to allow that to be an issue for me.
I was also adviced by one consultant "not to have the taxol" because it would effect my other health problems, I told her "AND IT MIGHT NOT", It did a little but the cancer had to take first priority and I was OK.
If you are offered it, then I`d have it, you`d be crying later if the C came back then you`d always tell yourself "WHAT IF", instead of knowing you did everything to prevent that from happening.
I`m not sure about the side effects if you don`t need it tho and for this reason you do need further consultations with your oncologist.
Good luck with it all and my prayers are with you luvie xxxxxx
Hi, Tina,
Thank you for getting in touch. I saw my own GP this morning who said my worries were understandable, but to get a second opinion if I need to. Trouble being, my oncologist and surgeon belong to two different PCT's so coordinating a MDT always take time. However, I will persue this until I am happy with the result - I just 'feel' that it was not caught in time and my insincts are normally right - I told my Doctor something felt wrong last year, yet it still took 7 months to get the op. I'm not scared of losing my hair -if it happens then so be it - I just don't want to go for a review in 3 months time to find Chemo could have been adminstered immediately.
I wish you well and will right a follow up blog when I am satisfied with the outcome.
Hi Paula, I was diagnosed stage 1c, I had chemo 6 weeks after surgery the consultant thought this was best. I have been cancer free for nearly 2 years now,so the result was good for me. Best wishes Sue x
Hi, Suse,
Thanks for getting in touch. My tumour was a stage 1a, although I don't understand why my surgeon recommended Chemo but my oncologist doesn't think it necessary. I am seeking a second opinion. I will update my blog when this matter is resolved.
I wish you well for the future.
Paula xx