Hey guys, wish me luck, my ct scan results are due tomorrow. Bit scared after liver resection and being told it was clear cell.
Hey guys, wish me luck, my ct scan results are due tomorrow. Bit scared after liver resection and being told it was clear cell.
Dear Sue
Keeping everything crossed for you tomorrow. Really hope results are good.
Best wishes Sue love x G x
Hi Sue,
Will be thinking of you tomorrow, waiting to hear that things have gone well, hopefully. Sending all the positive vibes your way
Love Wendy xx
Hi Sue
Everything crossed for you. Lots of love and hugs to see you through.xxxxx
Another Sue ( we do get around don't we!!!)
Hi Sue
Will be thinking of you and best of luck. I too am recovering from liver resection so can understand a bit how you feel.
Good luck today!
Dear Sue
I've only just seen your post and I guess by now you'll be preparing to go in for the results. I'm wishing you all the best of luck today and hope for positive results.
love Annie xx
Daer Sue, thinking of you, Diane xxx
Hi Sue!
Thinking of you!
I am already dreading August 2nd when I get my next review! No reason just dreadiung it! Off to London on Monday for a week with my daughter! Well at her house! She will be working!
Courage ma amie, et bonne chance! My French is lousy but it sounds so much nmore exotic than plain old "good Luck"
Just read your post luvie, best of luck today ~ healing thoughts are with you
love with a hug from tina xx
The very best of luck! Sue