I have a cyst/tumour at least 7cm I get back ache, abdo ache and pain down my leg, heavy periods and vaginal itching which keeps me awake at night at certain times of the month. The surgeon doesn't like the rate it is growing so I had a CA125, LDH and CEA done last tuesday, how long will it be until they contact me if it is abnormal? i forgot to mention the itching at my appointment any ideas?
How long to get CA125 result and could itching ... - My Ovacome
How long to get CA125 result and could itching be an indiciation of anything?

Thrush, probably! Try canestan cream - you can get it from the chemist. Don't be tempted to buy the canestan capsule as it nukes your system, and might not be the right thing.
Good luck,
When I had a CA125 test last year because the doctor didn't like my symptoms my doctor rang me one evening a few days after the test to say it was high and referred me immediately. I had a routine blood test today pre chemo and the oncoglogist happened to say that she would get the CA125 results on Friday, I know that waiting times vary but from my experience a few days wait for the results come through seems the norm - and I have twice been contacted immediately when there was been a problem.
Hope that helps - good luck. And agree about thrush probably being the cause of the itching.
all the best
Yes, I agree with what the previous two writers have said! I am told that CA125 results can take a week but in fact, usually take 3 or 4 days at my hospital
Good luck,
Wendy xx
When I went to see my GP they booked me in for urgent blood tests the next morning and they had the results by the evening
I have had CA125 blood tests results provided the next day so you will hopefully have got the results by now. I remember having itchy skin - arms and legs - about a month before diagnosis - also hiccups appeared out of the blue too which carried on through the treatment !
I am also waiting for CA125 results, had mine taken Tuesday and they said about a week but I guess they will contact sooner if it's high.I also have itchy skin, mainly my scalp!!! strange!!