I had a really good day last Thursday (August 5) training two new ROCCs in our London office. They had lots to say about how ovarian cancer had affected their lives and were full of new insights, which is very inspiring.
They are Kiran Singh who lives in Harrow and runs her own interior design company and Sue Martensz from Croydon who works in the duty free zone in Gatwick airport. They are already full of plans and ideas about how to promote the charities and raise awareness of signs and symptoms. Kiran is planning an awareness raising event in November and Sue is in the middle of organising an ambitious fundraising evening on October 27 at the Gatwick Manor Hotel.
The ROCC project has been very successful in attracting talented people with great skills to offer, and energy and drive. Some ROCCs are running events over the bank holiday weekend this month and linking in to local shows and fairs - a really good way of getting our messages across.
I am planning training days in other areas of the country and I hope they will be as enjoyable.