Mum had an emergency ileostomy because of a complete bowel obstruction on the 13th March, she was discharged on the 24th March and had been doing really well since until 4th April when she started getting pains in her calf, that night she was awake all night with the pain. She called the doctor next morning and got an emergency appointment and he felt she could have a blood clot, he gave her a Heprin injection and sent her for an ultrasound at the hospital, they confirmed a clot in the vein of the leg. She now has to go to the hospital daily for injections and is waiting to find out how much warfrin she has to take. I think it is taking longer than maybe is normal to sort her out because of the Easter break.
Has anyone else had this happen after surgery?
When she was discharged she asked if she should wear support stockings like she did after her first op in Feb 2010 and was told no as long as she was mobile not to worry.
Just seems to be one thing after another. She was feeling a bit better yesterday and could put her foot to the floor so hoping as the days go on she will get over this.
Any help/advice would be appreciated.
Have a good Easter