I’m new to the group. OC Stage 4. Had 6 rounds of Carboplatin/Paclitaxel from April to August 24 and started Naraparib at the beginning of Sept 24. Looking forward to sharing stories and getting to know you all xx
hello: I’m new to the group. OC Stage 4. Had... - My Ovacome

Hi Blibber,
Sorry that you are here, but I hope you find the support from this community to be meaningful and uplifting during your journey!
Hi Blibber
I too am stage 4 ovarian cancer, diagnosed in February 2019 and fingers crossed all doing good. I had 6 rounds of chemo like yourself with an operation in the middle, then 2 years of Olaparib, now having 6 monthly bloods and chat with CNS. I hope you’re doing well.
Loads of luck and love
Hi Dee, thanks for sharing your story. It gives me hope. I didn’t have an Op as I am told it inoperable. I don’t really understand but if when I get my next bloods it’s gone up again I might ask for a second opinion.
Apart from my high blood pressure (working with GP to get this down) I’m doing ok.
Hope all stays good for you xxx
It’s all crap, I’m the same age as you and one minute you’re reasonable fit and well, then the next you need a pill organiser 🥲😂😂. I think most of us are the same and understand very little of what’s going on, but we’re still here and that’s what matters.
Just keep going
Love Dee
Hi There, I too am inoperable sigh, we are rare as most people have op. But I'm still here and doing well over 2 years later👍This is a place you'll find hopeful stories and advice😊Take care x
I am also inoperable. Glad to hear you doing well after 2 years. Gives me hope. I was diagnosed in January 2024.
If you're told that you're inoperable, ask for a second opinion from Prof Christina Fotopoulou at the Hammersmith Queen Charlotte hospital in London. She has a reputation for taking on patients whom other surgeons have deemed inoperable and has patients who've survived for years when given months by other surgeons. She's the best! Your consultant can refer you.
Bless you! Do you have brac mutations, and HRD positive?
hello, I’m not sure about HRD (no one has said anything) but I’m BRAC negative thankfully. Was worried for my daughter x
Hello X, it sounds like you are doing very well x
Hi. Welcome. Although I’m in the states, I found this group right after diagnosis in 2018 and it really helped me both psychologically and with information about different treatments and side effects. My oncologist says I’ve exceeded expectations despite two recurrences. I hope you stay ned!
I was diagnosed in January 2024 HGSOC stage 4a. I have had 10 chemo treatments. One with carbo only. 6 with carbo and Taxol. 3 with carbo, taxol, and Avastin. This brought my CA125 down from 17,000 to 838. Last week ,my doctor did exploratory surgery and decided debulking surgery was not the best option for me. So I’ve started a new type of chemo with carbo, Gemzar, and Avastin. I live in the US in Alabama and visited MD Anderson in Houston, one of the leading cancer centers in the world, in September for a second opinion. That doctor suggested that I might be a person who would have various treatments but no surgery. Fortunately I’ve tolerated chemo well & have been able to take my 30-minute walk almost every day. I did a post last week and asked if anyone had survived over 2 years with no surgery. One lady replied that she’s doing well almost 3 years after diagnosis. There are many treatments available with new things being developed. So I think there’s hope for us who don’t have surgery. Best wishes to you.
Hi, never say never ladies. I was diagnosed HGS Ovarian Cancer stage 4, four years ago and was inoperable. However, after years of chemotherapy and recurrences my surgeon has looked at my scans, done various test and I’m booked for surgery in November. Chemotherapy has got me to the stage I am now and, after having a hysterectomy many years ago and major bowel surgery eight years ago, here we go again. I have been plodding along for the last four years and now it’s all come to the point where I am operable and please God it will give me more time. Please all live strong, stay positive and never ever give up this fight. Love and prayers Lx