Moving Forward - Getting Ready to Look for Work... - My Ovacome

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Moving Forward - Getting Ready to Look for Work and Have Started to Study again

14 Replies

Hello there

I was made redundant last year in June while I was recovering from pulmonary emboli and the surgery for the removal of stage 1a granulosa cell tumour. I was instructed to attend an interview for a job in the new structure or I would reduce my redundancy payment. So out of breath and one week before my surgery I went to the interview. I did not get the post just as I thought! Twenty years service and then without a job, this was a confidence blow but to be fair I wanted to change jobs prior to being sick. Well, I am now getting ready to look for work again probably admin again which is fine. I have started to study again too and have passed a final year standard management course and have just started Spanish Intermediate. I would like to do something in the health/legal sector I wonder if anyone has any idea on what sort of admin roles I could do? I am interested in research projects around ovarian cancer because I feel that I now know a lot and am constantly learning from overcome. The Open University has been great for me and I will be continuing with my goal to getting my Open Degree. Had I been younger I would have liked to have studied French law and language. I also wondered if anyone had returned to their studies after having had surgery and treatment.

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14 Replies

I'm about to take a course to support my change of direction after ov. ca.! I was also treated v badly by my employers (after 26 years) who agreed a redundancy package with me, then reneged on it. As I was the founder and ran the company, it was unbelievably hurtful (especially when I realised that they felt that if they argued for long enough, I'd be dead!). I fought them and won, of course - but these were people who were supposed to be long standing friends, and pillars of the community.

Anyway, I look forward to undertaking the course to enable me to set up an online practice.

Wishing you all the best in your studies, and your future.


Joelle profile image
Joelle in reply to


I do hope that you are working towards becoming a counsellor or something of that ilk because I could really imagine you working in that sort of field! I always look out for your answers because they are wise, informed, compassionate and also very interesting.

All the best,


in reply to Joelle

Hi Joelle,

I've been a Counsellor for 28 yrs - but am now working to set up an online service for people dealing with cancer.

See question ' counselling'.

Thanks for your comments.


Joelle profile image
Joelle in reply to

Ha! I didn't know! But it all makes sense now!

Good luck with your new venture.



Anne-2 profile image


I've gone back to work part time after also having a GCT removed along with an hysterectomy and oophrectomy. I'm also studying [at a distance] for a post graduate qualification in Archive and Information studies which is a complete change of direction for me being a teacher.

I think that offering a family tree service or house history service locally would be something I could tackle at a more leisurely pace as I am finding work very tiring. Is there any sort of health or legal work you could do on line, setting up on your own?

Just a thought,



PS For a supposedly very rare tumour there seem to be quite a lot of us out there? Have you noticed this on this site?

Samsara profile image
Samsara in reply to Anne-2

Yes - I have certainly noticed there are a lot of us. I was told that it will most likely come back - somewhere, and at sometime. Has anyone else been told that also?

Anne-2 profile image
Anne-2 in reply to Samsara


My oncologist was actually quite upbeat about a reoccurence. He said it may come back but maybe 20,30 years down the line. He said to go home and crack open a bottle of champagne, to live my life and not to worry all the time about if and when.

He was a brilliant man and set my mind at rest after 2 negative CTs that he organised six months apart. My original surgeon didn't even offer me a CT.

Iwas shown every inch of the CT as well.

Do you know about the support group specifically for GCT sufferers in New Zealand? It's a world wide thing.



Samsara profile image
Samsara in reply to Anne-2

Hi - and thank you for your reply. You were lucky in your oncologist. Mine was a lovely lady - we related to each other from the start, although I haven't seen her since the op as I was transferred.

I will look at the New Zealand site with interest.

This OvaCome site has shown me in all the many stories that there are some wonderfully courageous and cheerful women out there who are determined to help and support anyone in the same boat. Hurrah for the sisterhood - we need each other.

Love Samsara

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Anne-2

Hi! It's such a good idea to get out of teaching. I was a Head until just before I was diagnosed, and I'm sure all that stress and OFSTED, helped to contribute! I think OFSTED must be nearly as big a swear word as CANCER! Lol

Good luck with your re-training

Love, Wendy xx

Anne-2 profile image
Anne-2 in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy

I will share your view on OFSTED with my colleagues!! We are awaiting inspection.

Before I became ill my husband, also a teacher, had collapsed with stress and was off work for 6 months before deciding to take redundancy after 35 years. I'm sure the worrying abot him and sending our last child off to Uni were contributing factors to my illness.

Thank you for your good wishes



wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Anne-2

Hi Anne, I doubt if the general public know what stresses the current drive for all children to be excellent (ie. above average --a factual impossibility when you think about the rules of averages and statistics ...) puts on management of schools, then onto teachers and other support workers. It's insidious, many of my friends in schools now work 60-70 hrs a week, every week, even many of their so-called holiday weeks. Our bodies are just not designed to cope with all that stress. Rant over !!!!!

I hope your husband is enjoying his freedom, and good luck to you too :-)

Wendy xx

Anne-2 profile image
Anne-2 in reply to wendydee

Thanks Wendy- I would go tomorrow but for a hefty morgage and one still at Uni.

My husband cannot even viualise being a teacher now, he has managed to leave it so far behind him.

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Anne-2

I sympathise's a bugger! I was 58 when I went though, so I had done most of my penance. Good luck with OFSTED. Hope your school's stress levels are not too sky high!

Wendy xx

charlie12 profile image

Hi there

What a terrible experience you have had.

I had a borderline tumour removed two years ago and I didn't need chemo or radiotherapy, unlike many of the ladies on here.However I did have a second major surgery 5 months after the first .

I am in healthcare and one of my roles is that of a trainer. This involves getting through an annual QA process to maintain my accrediaition. Part of this process is sitting an annual knowledge assessment , which I have passed on the last three occasions. I was even more scared that usual before the exam, but the feeling of achievement is definitely better.

Wishing you all the very best.

Charlie xxx

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