I have had a port for over three years now. I have had no issues at all with it until yesterday. I had bloods done and it was accessed as usual , but when the nurse put in the heparin lock I had an acute allergic reaction. It was almost instantaneous. I got a terrible fright as I felt I was burning up. The nurse herself got a shock , however the nurses were absolutely brilliant and acted really quickly giving me steroids and antihistamines. The reaction passed after about ten minutes. The nurses said they had never seen a reaction to heparin before. I have had the port accessed numerous times and no issues.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else has had this happen and if so what did you do when it had to be used again??. I'm due to have chemo next week and am petrified of the heparin lock being out in when I'm finished the infusion.
Any info / advice would be most welcome.