Hi, I was diagnosed with oc end of 2021, had chemo, debulking op., resulting in NED, however, I have found small lump in my neck, about 2 weeks ago, mentioned it to nurse on Friday as I was having bloods taken, she got Doctor to take a look, he seemed concerned and referred me back to oncologist, has anybody got any information regarding this, I'm worried about what course of action will be taken if it's a recurrence...
Overian cancer, recurrence.: Hi, I was diagnosed... - My Ovacome
Overian cancer, recurrence.

Hello 1821
Thank you for your post. I’m sure our members will be along soon to share their experiences and advice.
I'm sorry you're having a worrying time at the moment. I just wanted to let you know that the Ovacome support team are here for you if want to talk anything through.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to chat or have any other questions. You can reply directly through this forum, email us via support@ovacome.org.uk or give our support line a call on 0800 008 7054Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm. We’re here to support you.
I hope you get some answers soon about what is happening for you.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support
Hi, do not spend time worrying! It certainly can be a recurrence. I’ve been on a similar path. Diagnosed 5/2021 with at stage 3c OC. Chemo, debulking, more chemo. NED 12/21. Yay! Went on Lynparza but alas 12/22 there popped up a spot on my liver. This was very hard emotionally and that is probably how you feel. I started chemo January 2023, this time with Doxil. Good news is no hair loss, it’s every 4 weeks and the side effects haven’t been as bad for me. But it WAS hard to think of a recurrence happening so quickly when I’d been fighting with everything I had! Once you have a plan to fight this next spot, if that’s what it is and you don’t know until you know, you focus on the positive. Here’s a big positive…. If you beat it the first time when it was huge in your body, a total shock, and you had no idea what was ahead of you as far as treatment and side effects, then this is easy. Truly, get your diagnosis, your plan and step forward. You will feel much better.
Sending huge hugs and ❤️
You are so right! My oncologist rang today he is getting me a scan booked so hopefully it won't be long before I know what I'm up against, my ca125 is at 723, that's higher than when I was very first diagnosed! But as you say I didn't know I had this horrendous diseases where this time it has shown it self, I did indeed get through it first time, so I suppose here we go round 2! Thank you so very much for advice it's most welcome , how are you feeling in yourself, .
Sending positive angels! X
I feel good! I just had my 4th chemo yesterday so the bad days start tomorrow. Usually I sleep a lot, maybe a headache. But I know it ends. I’ve started planning an activity for the weekend. It motivates me. Wishing you all the best. I hope you get started quickly. It helps your anxiety.
Prayers for your healing!
Hi, well it is a recurrence, soI am going to have chemo, which to be honest I was sort of prepared to hear, the lump in neck and high ca125 was a good clue, . Like yourself every 4th week,I need kidney checked first, but then full steam a head, oncologist mentioned I would have two chemos (can't remember names) but one I did as already had that first time. As I say I new in my heart but hoped I was wrong as I'm not really over first time,. But at least I know what I'm dealing with and the plan is coming together, I do indeed know what to expect so that is a plus,. How many sessions do you have? Have you had a scan in between, oncologist mentioned me having scan after second chemo. Well my dear looks like we have to be strong and fight back at this horrendous disease! I've got my boxing gloves on, so Round One begins! Hope you are coping with any side effects and feeling not to yuk!! Much love!
oh drat ! You sound better though. Getting the plan, stepping forward. I think we have to accept treatment as part of our life! Sometimes that’s hard to fathom especially during the week after chemo when I feel like crap. But Monday will be my 5th round and in the 2nd,3rd and 4th week I stay busy! Traveling, painting, grandbaby sitting, exercising, and on and on. I’ve heard others say you have to live with this illness. My doc says my carbo/doxil works a bit slower so no CT scan til after the 6th round. Then maybe a few more rounds. I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen as my summer and fall plans are huge!
Let me know how you do. What day do you start?
I have found that fasting for 36 hours beforehand helped with constipation. I eat Saturday dinner, then a small bowl of soup Sunday night, then chemo Monday morning.
Blessings and strength!! 🙏🏻❤️
Morning (from Newcastle), thank you so very much for recommendations, I will indeed give the fasten a go, I found first time round lots of water and ginger sweets helped ( a little ). I don't have a start date as yet, needing to get kidneys checked, so around 2 weeks, I am getting caelyx? With carboplatin, ( I think) I heard this and that don't think it all went in, surgery wasn't mentioned and I thought afterwards ' why didn't I ask' sure I will get a chance at some stage, I was told to stop Niraparib as not working but I'm thinking did it really work at all for me, with ca125 rising my excruciating back pain, I feel that was a clue from the start go, but now I face this again so upwards and onwards!! You seem to be coping so well, I feel bad whinging on :(. I to have a lot to fill my time, I've had my two grandchildren live with us from babies ( now nearly, 19 & 20) so they keep me on my toes, always something going on! Plus Mam & Dad live around the corner and I do a lot for them as 92 yrs & 91, I recently decided I need to do more for ME so I enlisted on a well being course, so hopefully I will be able to still get involved with that! Anyway my dear, thanks for lovely message and I'm sending good wishes! and hugs!
You sound very busy! But do make yourself a priority! I just listened to this podcast “Believe Big”. There are several pertinent subjects but Brad and Maggie with metabolic treatment was very good. We need hope!
I begin my fast after dinner tonight, which stinks for Mothers Day but oh well…
Carry on with your brilliant attitude!
We can live big!!