saw the surgeon this morning not confirmed yet but she said it looks like stage 1c , just in shock
on here we go : saw the surgeon this morning not... - My Ovacome
on here we go

Oh I am sorry Cazy1010, I hoped you might get away without it being OC. In the great scheme of things 1c is curable, so take heart xx
Totally understand that you are in shock and worried, but a lady near where I live, had just had a hysterectomy; on investigation they diagnosed stage 1c. This was over 10 years ago. She was treated and is still fit and heathy into her 70’s. Try to be positive and take heart that has been caught early. Best Wishes
If you have got ovarian cancer, that’s good news… sounds as if it’s at a very early stage and it’s more often than not, successfully treated. That’s what mine was and (so far 🤞) has been successfully treated. Don’t get too downhearted. It’s good news really.
Concentrate on recovering from your op now. How are you feeling in yourself?
Love Wendy xx
not too bad it was a shock but then again it wasn’t , I knew deep down it was . It’s just when they tell you , until I get the full results I won’t really know . The surgeon did say she had a good look round and the cyst had not burst but it was on the outside of the cyst but she couldn’t see herself anything but it may be that small xx
That sounds very hopeful. Fingers crossed. My surgeon was really old school…he told me, ‘well, I’ve had a good old rummage around, you’ll have a bit of a messy scar, but I think I’ve got it all out.’ His skills were great as a surgeon but not so gentle on the communication skills. He later told us, ‘If you’re lucky you’ll have 5 or even 10 years.’ It’s been 20 so far……..
I’m not in your position but it must be such a shock even when you half expect it. But knowing what you’re dealing with is half the battle. This network looks to be such a great support for many. It’s a journey you don’t want to be on but one many will walk with you.
Sending hugs and speedy recovery from op. One day at a time. You will get there.
L x
Hi Cazy1010, I was stage 1 with a tumour growing out of a cyst I had a full hysterectomy and Chemo, I was free for 19 years before it returned last year. They can't tell if it is a reoccurrence or a primary I have as the biopsy was inconclusive so are treating me as a primary new Cancer. Take heart that it is only stage 1. I know its a shock to the system when you are told but things can only get better.
whether you expect the news or not, it’s still a massive shock, so be gentle with yourself and make sure you have support from the nurses as well as your family or friends. They’ve caught it early which is good news. Going through treatment is like going to boot camp, you know it’s going to be tough sometimes, but the results are worth it when you kick cancer up the bum! Good luck !
As others say, it's always a shock to receive a cancer diagnosis. Just wanted to let you know that I was diagnosed stage Ic (with a side of endometrial cancer stage Ia) in April 2006 and have never had a recurrence. My surgeon was confident that he'd got everything out, but I had chemo just to be sure. Coming up to 17 years cancer free!
Cazy1010 - I’m sure that was a shock. Take as deep a breath as you can, stage 1c is relatively good news and may well be curable. Stage 1 is very early, any additional treatment will likely be precautionary. Once type and staging is confirmed you’ll know what you’re dealing with which should bring you some relief. For the time being, focus on recovering from your operation.
It's a horrible shock to hear the word cancer, but I am so pleased that they think it is stage 1C - caught so early! I think most of us get diagnosed at stage 3 and respond well to treatment even at that later stage. Stay positive - you are in a good place to respond well to treatment. If it does come back at some time in the future, it may be years ahead when there are new and more effective treatments. Ask lots of questions (my onologist told me there are never too many) from your team and on this site. There is lots of support available - please make use of it. Take one day at a time and keep us up to date. Good luck! x
I know you are scared and in disbelief. I got that same news in 2008. Praying you are “one and done”, but if you do have to face future recurrences, please know the drugs they have today are excellent and many. I’ve had some “bumps” since 2008, but still here and doing well! Praying for you! 🙏
You are so very lucky to have been diagnosed so early ........very very fortunate. Many of us diagnosed at 3c and symptoms at all. Go live your life are one of the lucky ones
Hi, had a laparotomy 7 weeks ago and they removed a tumour 15cm by 13cm. Stage 1c.
I'm having preventive chemo but the relief after the op was amazing...felt so well once everything was removed. You will feel so much better once they take all of it away...don't get worried if they offer you chemo. My doctor said it was to just get any fairydust left behind x