hello everyone
I thought I’d seek experiences from those of you who have had the weekly Paclitaxel as second line recurrent HGSOC. I was diagnosed in Nov 2021, had chemo (6 rounds Paclitaxel/carboplatin) and debulking surgery then PARP s. Was NED but had recurrence in Nov 2022.
I’m now on weekly chemo paclitaxel (3 weeks on, 1 week off) and my CA 125 is falling (115 from 197) after only 4 treatments.
Generally I seem to be doing well but Im constantly fatigued and can’t manage much in terms of walking any distance and getting on with things. I have to have a lie down in the late morning and again later in afternoon. This is very annoying and I can’t see an end to it as they say at least 6 months of it.
I have just bought some elastic resistance bands for strength exercises. Trying!
I am on Oxycodone for pain but have gone off anti sickness meds ( haloperidol then metachlopramide) as I was thinking these were making me sleepy. This has helped a bit.
Does anyone know how to give oneself more energy? E.g. supplements, strategies.
Has anyone come through this second line of treatment and not needed any more treatment E.g. has it ‘stopped’ the cancer spreading?
I’m off work again and struggling to keep motivated. Im 57 yr, normally fit, weight under 9 stone. I feel like I ought to be able to feel better than I do.
Any comments welcome x