My mother finished her therapies two years ago. From that moment her ca125 has always been decreasing, from 20 after the hysterectomy to now that it has reached a value calculated as less than 1. However, this is not enough to reassure me about a recurrence, because I read everywhere that the markers do not count for anything. But is it really possible that both the cea and the ca125 constantly falling can't mean anything good? That the ct scan can still reveal nasty surprises?
Extremely low markers but still scared - My Ovacome
Extremely low markers but still scared

I think it depends on if the markers are a good indicator for your mum.What were they at diagnosis? Does your mum have any symptoms?
Hi Belinda,
I don’t know your mum’s history- but maybe my journey might help reassure.
I was diagnosed in August 2017 after undergoing an operation for suspected colon cancer, but the histology showed ovarian cancer as the primary. My cancer had metastasized to my lungs, aorta ureter peritoneum and more, stage 4b. I should say I lived in France and all of my treatment was there.
I never had my CA125 taken until after I started chemotherapy - so have no idea what it was before or whether it was an indicator. Since I finished treatment (I had Avastin after chemo) in January 2019 it has been between 6 and 11. My last PET scan was in 2020. I moved back to the UK last year and I had an MRI last autumn. All clear. I am very lucky, so far no recurrence.
It’s always a challenge living with the prospect of recurrence and every twinge make you overthink, but I have done my utmost not to let it rule my life.
A CA125 of <1 is brilliant. Please give your mum my best wishes .
We all have a different journey and experience and this site helps us to share.
Good luck
Hello, I know that my daughters have also felt very anxious about my ups and downs on this journey, so I do understand. I am very envious of your Mums ca125 readings! But you seem to be struggling to believe this good news.
Sadly this means that cancer is getting its claws into your life and this opportunity you have now with your Mum to enjoy life, feel carefree and have a great time together.
I suggest that you leave Mum to look after her health and concentrate on getting help for you.
Everyone who looks after or cares for someone with cancer is impacted…organisations like Macmillan, Penny Brohn and Ovacome understand this and do offer support which you can access xx
Hi Belinda!
This CA125 result is super amazing! I understand that your focus now may be about reoccurrence as I’m sure we are all experience this concern. I know it’s easier said than done, but you should try to focus on the now…the great readings, and how your mom feels now 😊
From what I have experienced, the CA125 is not always a good marker for some, and any inflammation can also affect it.
My CA125 is currently 23… and has floated around that mark for a year now…that being said, it was over 16,000 when my journey started (you read that correctly….lol). When I have had vaccinations for flu/pneumonia/ & COVID, and a sprained ankle…it rose slightly and then came back down (inflammation I believe).
Celebrate each day/week/month/ and year that you have in good health …. If I have learned anything from this journey, it would be that I can’t focus on worrying about a reoccurrence when there is so many positive things in my life going on that I need to enjoy. 🥰
Live for today, don’t worry until you have something to worry about!
I think it can vary by patient… for some people the CA125 is a very accurate indicator and for others not so much. Have a look at her patterns vs CT Scan results s, and also her oncologist can probably offer some feedback on this