A few weeks ago I posted I had new indigestion and bloating problems 5 months out of chemo for stage 1C (thank you all for your replies and support). My CA125 test came back @ 5.7 but the bloating symptoms still remain including now IBS type spasms & constipation etc (poss side effect of lansoprezole given for heartburn). I think the GP will refer for a scan. I'm terrified (which is probably making the tummy problems worse) and confused - can you have such a low CA125 and still be having a recurrence?
CA125 low but have symptoms...: A few weeks ago I... - My Ovacome
CA125 low but have symptoms...

I should say my CA125 was 88 @ diagnosis last year
I am very vigilant about my digestive system since surgery. My bowel has never been the same . That said I am fastidious about diet and having a daily bowel motion. The complete with drawl of estrogen along with bowel manipulation during surgery all have an effect. It's likely this is the problem . However good to be checked to ease your mind
Hi Ali,
I had very low CA125 but felt symptomatic, had a scan and nothing to be seen. Turns out the 'symptoms' were in relation to an antibiotic I was taking, and not OC related at all. Finished the antibiotic and the tummy niggles went away...felt a bit daft, but at least the scan was clear.
Fingers crossed for you.
Yosh x
To answer your question - yes it is possible to have a recurrence with a low CA125 for some individuals; however, given the fact that you had an above normal CA125 level at diagnosis, I would say it would be unlikely in your case (though, I am not a medical doctor).
My mom's digestive system is not the same as before surgery and today, at my mom's post-op appointment, the surgeon clarified that it may never return to pre-surgery state. Surgeon recommended trying a gastrointestinal diet (GI2) to elevate some of her discomfort (which is mostly gas).
Perhaps, while you are waiting for your scan, try altering your diet? I know high fat foods tend to trigger my mom (along with me - though not related to OC).
Wishing you the best, and fingers crossed for a clear scan!
Kris x
I constantly have ibs and indigestion type syptoms since finishing chemotherapy treatment. I had an endoscopy and laperoscopy and was clear. However it's very important getting it checked out with your doctor. (Although everything came back OK, it just doesn't stop me worrying!!!!)
Rosanna x
Isn't the worrying just the worst ... it's a vicious cycle as constantly worrying makes the tum worse! It's interesting that yours occurred after chemo - it's helped knowing that as I had thought that if it was just my IBS asserting itself it would have done so while I was having chemo not after my body was clear of it! Alison x
When I had my last recurrence my ca125 never went above 13. I think most people get raised ca125 but some of us don't. I hope you don't have a recurrence, but if you do, lots of ladies have recurrences that are treatable. Di