Good morning everyone. Hope you’re keeping as well as can be..
So after Mums CT and recurrence (as some of you may remember) she has had a biopsy and they have confirmed that the plaque like recurrence near her bladder and bowel is from the appendix cancer (that they found in debulk for OC) and not the OC. Unsurprising to be honest as she didn’t have ‘treatment’ as such for that appendix cancer as she was having OC treatment.
My worry is now how they will treat this recurrence and also they have stopped her targeted therapy- avastin and olaparib. She was 3 sessions away from completing the treatment… what will this mean for a recurrence of OC now, I don’t know. Its my understanding that to be most effective she needed to finish it and carry on with olaparib…?
It’s all so very complicated and I feel like probably no one can relate to this as it’s just such a rare circumstance. Anyway, thanks for reading and sending love to everyone xx