we get 1st results all other results is back after 2 month from chemo finished in normal numbers, but ESR is up to 59 ( in june due to chemo it was 57) that already made me stressed, CA 125 didnt get yet... het ESR always was around 30 ( norms is till 30) as she has autoimmune disease in remission almost. she also have hydronephrosis 2 stage, maybe that make this ESR up? do anyone have such problem?
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): we get 1st... - My Ovacome
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
A raised ESR is totally non specific - most GPs don't do this test any more because its pretty meaningless - it could be raised because you've cut your finger, have a cold, have a sore knee or an inflamed joint, have had a vaccine, have a tooth infection or any other type of infection, even just a mild digestive disturbance may cause a small increase, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being slightly raised.
Yeh but ca 125 is also up just 2 moth left after last chemo and it rise from 22.5 to 34.4 :((((
Hi. I’m sorry you’re so worried. It seems like a scan is the next step. Is she on any kind of maintenance? Maybe they will try that. Sending positive thoughts.
They didnt offer anything in Latvia :((( unfortunately… that is 2 month after chemo, our doctor said must make test after 3 weeks again. On 4.11 was last scan and there were problem in one side of lymp but they didnt change in size all chemo time , she said probably those are died cells inside