Had the op four months ago now, all fine except a stabbing stitch like pain that comes and goes one side. Saw consultant last week. she had a prod but of course it didnt hurt then ! Scan 3 weeks ago so I suppose anything sinister would hav e shown up then. I dont think Ive given myself a hernia as Ive been really careful, can only think it might be adhesions ?
Is it adhesions: Had the op four months ago now... - My Ovacome
Is it adhesions

I had same.Mine was right side of waist,mentioned the continuous stitch to my consultant who was sure it was adhesions.was still there after chemo then all of a sudden 18mths after op. it just went! I was so thrilled I even noted it in my diary 🤗😄So hoping yours is the same.I think none of us really appreciate the intensity of our ops.maybe a few gentle exercises might help?Take care Deexx
I was told that it actually took longer inside to heal than outside your inners are more delicate Than your skin on the outside its just time l think
Try not too worry sounds like you just need more time 4 months is still early days and where all different. Your scans were ok which is brilliant and rest and suddenly the discomfort seems to go hopefully. Sending love & hugs SheilaF xxx
Mine is inside and still aches occasionally when I overdo things. The operation was in 2015! I am sure yours will be better soon.
I have the same and my op was 10 months ago. I had a scan and all clear. It’s really worrying isn’t it because we all fear the worst. It’s almost reassuring to know others are experiencing the same and are ok now. Mine is easing a bit each day but I find if I sit for too long it’s worse so try to have lots of breaks to walk. Hope you feel better soon x
I made myself sick with these sort of thoughts for months after my surgery: this pinching sensation, stabs, tearing sensation, rolling cramps, on an on and I was SURE I had recurred. Then an OB friend of mine says, Yeah, they don't really tell you that it can take around 9 months for a massive incision like that to heal and I thought NINE MONTHS!?! Would have been so nice to hear that earlier, but stopped worrying immediately. Surgery was 18 months ago and sure enough, it was about 10 months before I completely stopped feeling them. Give yourself time, my dear.
Yes I had the same and it really worried me. It was about 8months after. Oncologist said yes some people reported a nasty stitch like pain. She prodded my stomach and said not to worry it would go away and it did. If I really over do things I still get a bit of a pin there on my right side but nothing like the first pain just a niggle
Thanks for replies. Strangely when I was away for 3 days I didnt have any pain, then when I came home it started again !