Thank you!: I posted last week asking for advice... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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Thank you!

rightfromthestart profile image

I posted last week asking for advice because my surgery has been cancelled. This is just a quick note to thank everyone for your extremely helpful suggestions - you fired me up to take action! I'm happy to let you all know that both the staff at Ovacome and my MP have been very helpful indeed and have acted quickly to take the issue forward. I am truly sorry that my post caused so much distress to many of you. Ovacome staff have undertaken to keep us all up to date with the outcome of their enquiries and I'm sure that like me, you will all be reassured by this. I will post again as soon as there is a new date set for my surgery! I was full of fear and dread about the operation right up until it was cancelled but now I can't wait!

Heartfelt thanks to you all


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rightfromthestart profile image
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17 Replies
Lyndy profile image

Great to hear Fiona! It was upsetting to think that anyone might miss out on I think your post was timely and I think we need to air some of those really frightening things from time to time. I feel reassured that, if I do get stuck again, there’s now a pathway and an understanding of this predicament from a patient point of view. All good wishes to you xx

win_56 profile image
win_56 in reply to Lyndy

Yes my sentiments too.

Lizzieanne profile image
Lizzieanne in reply to Lyndy

I agree.

Mund2121 profile image
Mund2121 in reply to Lizzieanne

I agree.

win_56 profile image

Hi Fiona. Good luck going forward and I hope you get a date for your operation shortly xx

Seasun36-uk profile image

So so pleased Fiona!!

Lizzieanne profile image

Hopefully you are on the right road. Keep us up to date x

Jenjill47 profile image

Hooray Fiona! All the best wishes to you from the The Land Downunder!

Tiny_dancer profile image

Great news and well done for highlighting it. I am sure you will have helped many. Good luck with the surgery when it comes x

SUE7777 profile image

You did the right thing, I hope you get a date soon. We don't like to see a fellow OC sufferer in Crisis. All the very best. Sue xx

Jacky5 profile image

Thanks for the update, I'd been thinking about you and it's so good to hear a positive result. Lx

SASSY196 profile image

Hi - I understand that Ovacome staff need to keep everyone safe however as far as I am concerned you posted your situation and asked for help which is the role of this forum. I am glad you regained the ' fire in your belly' and contacted people who I hope can help you .Much love, Sara x

fendweller profile image

You did the right think by posting , you were distraught ,you needed and deserved support ,so pleased you're in a better place now ,here's hoping you get your surgery soon ,wishing you all the look in the world ,sending love and hugs go girl 😀.Cheryl xx

sandraelizabeth profile image

Good news . Hope you get a date soon xx

Good to hear that you have felt the need to take this up further.

I have been told that my operation probably canx next month as no beds available, I feel so let down. I had chemo no.3 Monday, and going to now continue with chemo hopefully until I can have op. Got CT scan 27th Jan, hopefully everything going in right direction.

To be honest our MP here is as much as useless, never replies etc, never seen here, like The Mary Celleste" !!!!

I'm sure we're one of hundreds now getting this awful news, My wish to everyone in this situation, is they get their ongoing treatment ASAP x

Nadie2018 profile image

So glad to hear you got what you need and deserve. This site is a true gift providing encouragement, support, information and love. Glad it worked for you. Be well, Nadie

ILoveLexi profile image

This situation is just scandalous. I have an inklng of how you feel - my op was in October and was almost cancelled because they'd lost my covid test results, luckily they were able to rush a quick test and result through for me and my surgery was just delayed by a few hours. but like you say it made me realise how much I really wanted the surgery I'd been dreading. My diagnosis was also in August, stage 3C but I had the op before starting chemo, doing chemo#4 next week. Wishing you all the luck for your op and treatment.

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