Further to my last post. Starting a 4 weekly carbo/caelyx combination on Thursday. Been told I might get to keep my hair this time. Lots of love to everyone xxxxxx
Further update on re occurence : Further to my... - My Ovacome
Further update on re occurence

Hope this next line of chemo isn’t too tough for you.
I know how it feels when they tell you it’s unlikely you’ll lose your hair. Seems so vain but you just want to look like yourself before cancer ( or as near to as possible) don’t you? I’m having a trim up with my hairdresser on Monday 💇🏻This pandemic has given me the chance to really grow it. Looking forward to having it shaped & tidied up. Then I’ll sort my grey roots out 😄
Best of luck for this next stage in your own journey.
Take good care xxx
Thank you. I'm sure your hair will look amazing when it's done. I found losing my eyebrows and eye lashes made it seem so much worse
Yes indeed. I avoided looking in the mirror for a long time. If I did catch a glimpse of myself, I’d shed a few tears. Thank goodness they grow back.
Not long finished my 2nd line chemo & luckily it didn’t cause hair loss this time. It’s such a relief isn’t it?
Stay safe & well xxx
Glad you didn't experience any hair loss this time. Hope the treatment went well. How are you feeling now? X
I’m getting there thanks. Was pretty sick on my new meds ( Niraparib) for the first week. Not even a fortnight since I started taking them. Got a blood test Tuesday to see if they’re affecting my bloods.
How many cycles are you expecting to have on this new combo chemo? Will be thinking of you Thursday.
You would be extremely unlucky if you lost your hair with the Carbo/Caeylx regime. My hair thinned but only slightly on top, no one but me noticed. Get a good thickening shampoo & conditioner, I used Loreal. Good luck x
Hi. I started this regime last Thursday. Apart from nausea, and feeling a bit spaced out, I think I'm ok!
Losing your hair is horrible I did absolutely everything to hang onto mine and in the end because of shielding I had to shave myself with my ladyshave. What a mess. People refuse chemo because of losing there hair, the nurses in the chemo lounge told me. I hope this treatment puts you in NED forever. All the best and take care Sue xx
I didn’t lose my hair with this combo so hopefully you’ll be ok. I did have very dry, sore and cracked skin, mostly on my hands. Lots of moisturiser, I used Aveeno repair (the blue one I think it was) and E45 on the rest of me! Good luck, sure you’ll be fine xx
Hi. I had the same regime for my recurrence, which came when my hair had just grown to a decent length (albeit a completely different colour) after chemo the first time round and it just kept on growing and getting thicker. Hope that will be your experience and the treatment goes well.
Hope carbo/caelyx goes well for you. I'm a couple of weeks past my 2nd infusion. So far it's doable - some days I I feel really tired and get "chemo head" and also get the odd bout of nausea which I didn't experience first time round. I haven't actually vomitted though. So it's a bit different this time round. My hair seems to be ok and is in remarkably good condition. If it's thinning I haven't noticed yet🤞 As someone said, you would be very unlucky to lose your hair. Wishing you the best with everything.
Ive had one dose of this, so far not too bad. I hope my hair d oesnt thin on top as when it came back after first lot of carbo/taxol its quite thin on top already although thick back and sides ! Not sure if I will get to carry on though as slight heart problem may mean I have to stop. So far not lost taste but cant remember when that happened with the first chemo and although I do feel a bit sick Im also ravenously hungry!
Good luck with it. I found this combo much easier than frontline. I had three great weeks each cycle except toward the end I stayed tired more. It got rid of everything except an 8 mm tumor which has further shrunk on Olaparib.