Further to my previous post I found out today that the cancer is back. Caught quite early but I've got to have more chemo Got an appointment with my consultant next Thursday to discuss treatment options. Xxxxxx
Re occurence update : Further to my previous post... - My Ovacome
Re occurence update

Wishing you the best ❤️
Im so sorry to hear this😔
Back to the war zone,prepare your body for battle prayers sent to you 💓
Sorry for your re occurence. I hope they really kick it this time. Sue xx
Sorry to hear this. Glad they caught it early and that you get the results you wish for from treatment. Jackie x
I'm so sorry to hear this but pleased they have caught it early. Sending you lots of positive vibes xxxx
Very sorry to hear this. Good luck wit( the treatment.
Oh sorry to hear that Cazbird but if my experience is anything to go by second line is at least familiar... you know the ropes and my carboplatin only has been do-able ( May regret saying this next week after cycle 4).
Great that it has been caught early too... best of luck xx
Bummer! I’m glad they found it early. I hope the chemo is relatively easy on you and most importantly effective. Xx
Good luck and prayers for your visit!
Hello and sorry to hear your reoccurrence has been confirmed but it’s good you’ve got a quick appointment and there are treatment options. My first reoccurrence was after nine months & the oncologist suggested we try tamoxifen but sadly it didn’t work and my disease progressed.
I am now on 4 weekly carbo caelyx which is very tolerable with some unpleasant but manageable side effects. I have 3 good weeks when I’m functioning pretty normal and walk -(4.5 miles yesterday) garden, bake etc. If it wasn’t for Covid we would be off in our motorhome too!!
My CA125 went down after the first infusion and after 3 is down to 47 from 145.
Hope this helps to give you encouragement,
sending a hug too.
I am sorry to hear you have recurrence, but at least it has been caught early which is good.
I have recently started on second line treatment, carbo/gem & it is working. I was offered carbo/taxol, carbo/caelyx, or carbo/gem. My Oncologist suggested carbo/gem, because I suffered neuropathy with carbo taxol first line, & because I have a slight heart valve problem,she did say that caelyx would be less suitable, so hence the carbo/gem.
I hope that they find something suitable for you, which I feel sure they will.
Sending you good wishes & a successful Consultation with your Oncologist.
Take care, Caleda x
So sorry mine back after 18 years having chemo as palliative care. Pray yrs caught early and you go into a !ong long remission sending positive thoughts and hug
Thanks Lizzieanne. Are you still having treatment? Xxxxxx
Yes had my first treatment two weeks ago i will have a PET scan after third one to see if it is working. If not they will try something else. Trouble is its in my sternum and liver an unusual and rare spread. When do you start yr treatment. How are you mentally?
sorry to hear this news. I'm just going through chemo caelyx and carbo got first recurrence after 11months too and understand how devastating it is. Mine is in three lymph nodes and was caught fairly early do fingers crossed for you too. I was inconsolable when I found out and thought I was having s breakdown but I've sort of got my head around it now and it is what it is and trying to stay posituve I'm here for you if ever you need to vent just message me anytime don't think you have to go through this on your own. X
Me too, on 18xweekly Paclitaxel & every 3 wks go for blds & COVID test. Am on 3rd one now & cos doseage is weaker, so far tolerating it well. Daunting prospect but doable Iside X