Hi everyone! I joined this group as my lovely mum (aged 58) was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer 6 months ago. Yesterday was her last round of chemo for what we hope will be a long time. She has had chemo and debulking surgery and apart from a couple of complications it has gone well. She is very weak, even in between chemo sessions and we are hoping she will get some strength back soon. I would love to hear from anyone who has been through the same as my mum and what their experiences have been. We lost my amazing dad to cancer last year too so Mum being diagnosed 10 months after he died was heartbreaking. Thank you x
Stage 4 ovarian cancer : Hi everyone! I joined... - My Ovacome
Stage 4 ovarian cancer

I was dx stage 4 in July 2015. Had 4 chemo surgery and two more chemo by the end of which I was NED ( no cancer). I have been on Avastin since then... Going well so far.
I began walking immediately chemo ended- short walks to begin then longer and I am much fitter now than I was at the end of chemo. It's a long old road but your Mum will get there xx
Hi Lyndall,
Thanks so much for your reply. It is great to hear positive news about people in the same situation I am glad you are doing well. We are trying to get Mum walking to build her strength up so I will encourage more of that, thank you. One of her lungs collapsed in June (sorry I don't know the technical term) so I don't think that is helping.
She decided not to have avastin, it was a hard decision but that was the what she wanted so we supported that. It's so hard to know what is best.
lovely to hear from you, I hope you continue to stay well xxx
I was diagnosed Stage 4 OC in December 2015 at the age of 58. I had 6 cycles of Carboplatin/Paclitaxol/Bevacizumab with debulking surgery between cycles 3&4. I had a few setbacks along the way including neutropenic sepsis, a chest drain for ascites, 4 blood transfusions and a nasty bout of C.Dif following surgery. The chemotherapy was brutal but I kept going as much as I could. My last chemo was in May, I am still having Bevacizumab (Avastin) every 3 weeks. The 2 scans I have had since finishing chemo have been NED. My CA125 level is slowly creeping up but is still well within normal range - this does scare me though. I try to stay positive but can't help but worry about the cancer returning. My hair is growing back and I now feel confident enough to go without the wig.
Now that your mum has finished her chemo I am sure she will start to feel stronger. I walk everyday and have done so throughout my treatment whenever possible - I am sure this has helped my recovery.
Please give your mother my best wishes - I am sending her positive thoughts and virtual hugs. I would love to hear how she gets on. Supportive friends and family are essential to recovery but I have also found that having someone to talk to who understands exactly what you are going through helps enormously too.
Best wishes for the future
Hi Janine,
Thansk so much for your reply,
My mum has had most of the same complications as you. You have all been through so much.
Mum decided not to have avastin and we have supported her decision. We could see all the benefits but mum was worried about side effects. It is great you are doing so well on it.
Walking sounds good, I will encourage that. We bought her a puppy in December last year before she became ill so he will live extra walks 😊.
I will pass on your wishes to my Mum, she will love to hear that other women are doing well after treatment. I hope you continue to keep well.
My Dad always used to say "keep smiling" so we try to live by this.
Hi Love,
I don't have your Mums experience, but was diagnosed at her age and have handled it well,shes young and she stands a good chance.
Just wanted to reach out to you as my Mum and Dad died within 6 months of each other 6 years ago.This isn't going to happen to you,but I know what you are going through.
Sometimes things hit you hard and if you are struggling it's ok to get help or councelling, or just a sympathetic ear.It is hard supporting your Mum,but you are amazing doing so.It can be just as hard for you too,
We are here when you need us
Carole xxx
Hi there
I was diagnosed Dec 13 stage four advanced had chemo surgery 2014 was constant tests chemo surgery I would say for myself it was summer 2015 before was back to the new kind of normal
Chemo seems to have aggravated my arthritis so can't walk long distances but do get out for walks daily volunteer few days at local dougie mac shop
So far no evidence of disease and long may it continue
Tell your mum keep positive she will get through it and start to feel better in herself
In my thoughts sending huge cyber hugs x
I had my first occurance in 2007. Stage 3C clear cell oc. Had the debunking surgery followed by carbo/taxol chemo 18 times. Six were a stronger dose, then 12 lesser. I was 61 at the time. Cancer free until 2015. Same cancer cells on posits muscle and one lymph node. Had surgery, radiation and 18 more chemo of same type as before. Oncologist said it worked for 8 yrs before and would be first this time. Tried Avastin but could not tolerate as blood pressure went crazy. CA125 does not indicate for me. It has always been under 12. Therefore, I have CT scans every 3 to 4 months. So far so good. I am telling your mum there is hope with good treatment and a good attitude. I live in Southern California. My treatment has been great so far.
Hi fellow supporter 😊 My special person was in your mums situation although she has 3c but after 20 months of treatment due to a re-occurrence earlier this year she's still very weak and only in the past few days building up some strength it does take time but she's getting there and she's still in pain but her CA125 was 10 at last count so don't worry yet but if it's 3 months later and she's still weak get back to the oncologist
Keep us updated
So sad that you lost your dad last year and now have your mother ill. I was diagnosed at the age of 61 in December nearly 6 years ago. I've had treatment a few times since but have also been well and active with no sign of disease for periods of several years in between. I was very weak after treatment but gradually regained strength and energy. I went for a walk every day even if it was just for 20 minutes, gradually building up by walking along the canal and in the park as that's fairly flat and there are good coffee shops - keeping our spirits up mentally is important too, and recently started an easy yoga class once a week.