Ovarian Cancer Stage 4: Hi, my wife got diagnosed... - My Ovacome

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Ovarian Cancer Stage 4

24 Replies

Hi, my wife got diagnosed just yesterday-turned our worlds upside down.Next step is chemo hopefully early April. Lots of worry going through my mind at the moment, just trying find out what to expect,how to cope and to support my wife, could she change her diet to help reduce the tumour? Should I get some counselling_help? Any advice, positive stories would be greatly appreciated.

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24 Replies
dexta2005 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear your news, its such a shock. I was diagnosed last November with high grade stage 3-4. So far I have had 4 chemo's and due for surgery in the next couple of weeks. Treatment is going well. The first chemo can be frightening, fear of the unknown. I had shooting pains day 4-6, but anti-sickness tablets work well and I have never had a problem with nausea. Further chemo's and the side effects have become less and less. Have lost most of my hair and have dry skin. But you will be given the telephone number for your unit/nurse for any queries or worries. The worse is the roller coaster of emotions, shock, anger, denial etc. I found that worse as my mind works overtime, but my GP prescribed anti-anxiety tablets, which have worked a treat. I have done a lot of reading, especially diet. Plenty of fruit/veg/nuts/ berries and lots of green tea plus a positive mind. Things will get better. Best wishes, Jan.

Seasun36-uk profile image


First of all welcome to the forum, even though none of us want to be here!

I was diagnosed in 2017 and am still here! It has been a rough ride at times. My advice would be to take everything a step at a time and ask questions of your team as you go along. Stick to websites like ‘Macmillan’ or ‘Target Ovarian Cancer’. See if there is a ‘Maggie’s’ Centre near you - they provide a lot of help & support.

Share with your family & close friends & accept offers of help/support.

Diet - there are many views on this but the consensus seems to be natural food, which builds up one’s general health & immunity.

First line treatment is commonly: 3 chemotherapy sessions, surgery & then 3 more chemotherapy sessions.

I hope we can help you with our replies.

Manchesterlady profile image

So sorry to hear this horrible news .

Like you this news was overwhelming, and this site helped me through a very dark time. Firstly, stay away from Dr Google . I’m sure you will have lots of questions,, which I found that no one could answer. I found going to the maggies centre helpful.

I have a wonderful oncologist who told me one step at a time, as otherwise it just feels too much to handle .

You will get wonderful support on here .

I wish you all the very best.

Sheila x

Lyndy profile image

What a nasty shock for you and your wife ❤️

From my experience I would say don’t rush, let the news sink in and focus on telling the people around you who really matter. There’s a lot of information about but use trustworthy websites like Ovacome... don’t stray into the wild west of the random internet.

At this stage it is the medical team treating your wife who will be in charge of decisions about her health. Let them do their job... you don’t have to worry about diets etc, just that she is eating and drinking enough.

If it’s any help... I was diagnosed stage 4 nearly 5 years ago now and have not had a recurrence of my disease. Just gone on to six monthly check ups. Currently not on meds and as I repeat periodically on here what got me through chemo: mini cheddars!

Take care of yourselves and when you have questions or worries just ask! x

sandylight profile image

Hi! I'm so very sorry to hear your lovely wife was diagnosed with Stage 1V Ovarian cancer, but maybe I can offer a bit of hope you both as I was also diagnosed with Stage 1V Ovarian cancer with a Ca 125 of 9,800 and massive pulmonary embolisms as well in 1999. At the time my future did not look promising and so I asked everyone around me for help. Some of these people prayed for me and others suggested different therapies or simply knocked on my door with bran muffins (just when I needed them:-) and suggestions of books and web sites I should look at and explore.

I also reached the internet and asked others with Ovarian Cancer what I could possibly do to increase my odds of surviving this disease. One lovely friend, sent me a zapper (Re: Dr Hulda Clark), so I began using that just after my second pre-surgery chemo (I had 3 chemo's before surgery and 6 chemo's after each consisting of Taxol and Carboplatinum). Another fellow Ovarian cancer friend who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer, around the time I was, suggested the Johanna Budwig protocol consisting of flax oil, cottage cheese, fresh fruits, ground flax seeds and other things too. So I started the Johanna Budwig protocol after finishing chemo and at the same time began taking Usana vitamins. So, here I am 21 years later, still using the zapper, still taking Usana vitamins and enjoying the budwig breakfast every single day, and yes, still in remission.

I hope my message has given you some hope. Take care ... Sandy.

sticky3006 profile image
sticky3006 in reply to sandylight

Hello Sandylight. Could I ask which Usana vitamins you take? thanks, sticky3006

sandylight profile image
sandylight in reply to sticky3006

I use Profavanol (Vitamin C) and BodyRox (multivitamin). I hope this helps.

dexta2005 profile image
dexta2005 in reply to sandylight

Hi, fantastic that you are doing so well. Can I ask what a zapper is and also Usana vitamims. Many thanks. x.

sandylight profile image
sandylight in reply to dexta2005

I use a zapper my son made for me 20 years ago. Look on the net, you can find several places that make them. There are instructions in the books Hulda Clark wrote, mine is "The Cure for all Cancers".

RosieWest profile image
RosieWest in reply to sandylight

Can I also ask what Usana vitamins you take.

sandylight profile image
sandylight in reply to RosieWest

I use Profavanol (Vitamin C) and BodyRox (multivitamin). I hope this helps.

sticky3006 profile image
sticky3006 in reply to sandylight

Thank you the info! Take care x

Iyana271 profile image

Sorry to hear that your wife has got diagnosed with OC, it must be really shocking for both of you! I hope this disease will end soon and she will get back to her normal life.

Give her lots of love and mental support and be by her time every time she needs you.

Best of luck!

Iwillbeatit profile image


So sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. It is a big shock counselling is good for both of you to come to terms with this. It's a long journey. I was diagnosed with our cancer stage 4b in July 2018. Had 8 chemotherapy sessions was then meant to have surgery but spleen and liver surgeon said inoperable this was a shock as at my initial diagnosis nobody had mentioned the cancer had spread there. I h ave since had 18 avastin infusions. Ask questions this website gives you an amazing amount of support somebody on here will always have experienced whatever her new issue is and have advice from constipation diarrhoea peripheral neuropathy very dry skin hair loss which is as much physiological as it takes away your identity in your head as a woman. My husband said but you knew it was going to fall out. That did not help me. Join support groups for both of you being able to talk to someone else going thru the same thing helps such much. You both need different support. Hospice offers counselling and has good support groups. Good luck on your journey.

Flamingobeef18 profile image
Flamingobeef18 in reply to Iwillbeatit

Must say that everyone’s experience of chemotherapy and it’s side affects are individual. As far as hair loss goes not all chemo drugs have this affect and if it is a possibility then there are techniques which many women use to control it. For me personally I found hair loss quite liberating and it does grow back.


Madmolly profile image

Sorry to hear about your wife I also have stage 4 oc have had 3 chemos surgery now 1 chemo since surgery, 2 more to go. Worst thing I found was constipation try and get your wife to avoid this. Tke all the support and help you can as she will have extreme bouts of tirdness. Luv and hugs

Maxjor profile image

There is life after diagnosis! Try to take it one day at a time--stay away from Dr. Google--the information is old and scary--new treatments, new drugs to keep the cancer away once treatment has done its job and your wife I am sure is in good hands and they know what to do. Ask here if you question treatment plans but Frontline (the first chemo treatment after diagnosis or surgery--is almost always the same for everyone--some exceptions. You WILL get through this initial phase and go to support groups, join others besides this on line one although I love this site and all the women and men who are struggling or supporting others. Wishing you luck as you begin your journey. Hugs, Judy

Lizchips profile image

I didn't change anything at first, I had large mass so I had surgery to have it removed. A month later had started IV chemo. 1 round. Then 3 weeks later had another surgery full debulking and removed 15 lymph nodes. Cancer in 2 diagnosed stage 3c2 clear cell. I would be there for her my husband brought a computer and headphones to my chemo appts. But you'll need a break so if any other family members can take her. Every couple times is best. My friend diagnosed stage 4, originally had too many tumors was given chemo to shrink them. Then had surgery after. Another hospital gave her 6 months, I sent her to my Dr and she's been alive it's been 2 yrs. She had 1 reoccurance in the last 3 months, she's always eaten healthy. We are in the US. Biggest thing she has to stay hydrated through chemo it keeps you from feeling sick. Ask Dr for prescription of lorazepam, if she wakes up not well it's for anxiety and nausea.its saved me a few times. Also with the immune booster shot get claritan, No D. Take day of shot 5 days after. Will help with joint and neck pain. The first time for chemo the not knowing what to expect is the hardest. It's not bad. You are on this site asking for help, your already helping her. Be supportive, if she eventually wants you to hang with the guys go . don't take offense she just needs time alone.best wishes for success. Liz

Artgreen profile image

I’m so sorry you are going through this. After the surgery and chemo I was put on letrozole as my tumours were strongly oestrogen fed. I also read Jane McLelland’s book How to Starve Cancer and follow as much of the protocol in there (repurposed drugs and supplements) as my gp and onc support, even thought the onc isn’t over keen. But since being on them my ca125 has gone down post chemo from 11 to 9.2 where it has stayed for 6 months. I feel more in control knowing I’m doing everything I can.

Wishing you the very best.


Olive profile image

I join all the others in being sorry to hear your news and echo their sentiments. I was diagnosed stage 3-advanced in 1995. The chemotherapy is no ‘picnic’ with (in my case) horrendous constipation. Nothing upon nothing would help until the fourth day after a chemotherapy session. I just learned patience and went along with it, telling myself you have to endure feeling worse to get better. You will give your wife lots of support but patience is the best thing to take on board. Just think 6 months ahead and perhaps plan a holiday as something nice to look forward to. All good wishes to the patient and to you. It’s amazing how people forget the partner/family are involved. Valerie

Flamingobeef18 profile image

So sorry to hear your news. Your heads must be spinning and my heart goes out to you but I promise things will get calmer. Give yourselves time and take all the help offered.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer 6 years ago this month. Things looked decidedly gloomy back then but I am still here. I have had numerous treatments but in between have also had many wonderful times and great experiences including some we probably would not have done without my cancer.

Best wishes and love to you both.


Kkaren profile image

Hi, sorry to hear your news. I was diagnosed back in May 2018. My husband has been an absolute star right from the word go. He is very much a glass half full type of person anyway but I don’t think I would have got through this without him. He’s come to every single appointment I have been to and sat through all six rounds of chemo with me. I know you will support your wife likewise but don’t forget to look after yourself also. Good luck to both of you with your onward journey. Karen

Thanks again for all the recent replies, not sure how to reply to each one you separately on this app🙈. Well our appointment with the Oncologist has come through much quicker than anticipated which is this Thursday as opposed to 2nd April what we were initially told, so next plan will be discussing chemo and how we gonna get thru this. P.s what's your thoughts on using CBD during chemo?

Kkaren profile image

I never used that during chemo so couldn’t comment. What I would say is that the chemo wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. The first dose was awful and knocked me for six however they reduced the doses for the others and it was manageable. Definitely leaves you washed out but still managed to do most things but at a slower pace.

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