I went for my pre-op assessment yesterday for my planned debulking operation on Monday. All tests were fine, except for my bloods. Haemoglobin was down to 83. (I have had four chemo's) So now I have to wait another week for hopefully my bloods to come back up. I know its not the end of the world, but I had psyched myself up for it and am scared as it is. Just need some re-assurance. Thank you.
Delay of operation.: I went for my pre-op... - My Ovacome
Delay of operation.

I understand your frustration and anxiety of the cancellation, but believe me it could be worse, I arrived at 7am for my debulking op, sat around till 4pm no water no food, only to be told I would not be having my op after all, 2 hour journey back home!
Your team want you has fit as is humanly possible to cope with what is after all a major operation. Eat lots of red meat over the next week to build yourself up and keep busy it will soon pass. Good Luck with the op.

Thank you for your kind reply. You are quite right, I could have turned up Monday morning and then sent away. I have also got a 2 hour drive. Hope you are well. Jan. x.
Sorry you have had your op postponed. I well recall being as scared as you are probably feeling right now but if it's any consolation please trust me when I say I have to be the world's biggest wimp and the operation was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It's fear of the unknown which builds. I was in and out of hospital in 4 days having had a radical hysterectomy. Looking back I had, in my mind, blown this up to a point where I spent every waking moment (when I did manage to get any sleep) panicking. If I tell you I do that when I have a check up at the dentist you will see how bad I am! Hopefully your op will go ahead next week and you will soon be on the road to recover. Big virtual hug. Kathy xx
Yes it happened to me too. A day of preparation - not eating and drinking half a litre of water every 1/2 hour (until you can't face any more), a one hour drive to the hospital, gown on ready to go and then to be told eventually that there is no intensive care bed.
I'm afraid these things happen but your op will go ahead one day and you will be all the better for it. It is nearly two years since mine and I am still here so I am very grateful. Try not to worry and just concentrate on enjoying every day. Wishing you all the best xxx
Hi Dexta2005
I can totally understand your frustration and anxiety. I had my operation before Chemo in October. I have had 5 Chemos should have had the final one Monday but was told my HB was 83! I was offered a blood transfusion , because I felt so ill and experiencing symptoms of anaemia
Racing heart rate and palpitations I had 2 units
Transfused Wednesday. I feel so much better now. Maybe that would be an option for you?
Thats good you feel well 👍 Yes plenty of meat and leafy veg and I’m told beetroot juice if you like that 😊
Wishing you all the best for your op 💞
I just had my surgery on March 9..Monday of this week. I was terrified! Not anywhere close to what I had thought it would be! I personally had very little pain..had a nerve block added during surgery...not sure I really understand what that was..and after the first night I was on Tylenol extra strength. Yesterday I only had three tables of Tylenol all day. I did have discomfort with gas and it has a funny way of showing itself...shoulder pain and back pain so if you get that know it has to do with surgery and ask staff about what they can do to help. Hospital staff was great at helping control discomfort. Today is the Friday after the surgery and I am at a stage where I thought I would be a couple of weeks from now.
Everyone is different of course but these Docs are magic! My team was all female..what a difference I personally found in the attitude of these wonderful women. Up beat, we got this, we are here for you.. so different from other surgeries I have had. My roomie had a female oncologist and she had the same experience. Women rock!
Thinking of you and sending you Blessings and prayers.
I'm so pleased you are doing well. Hopefully I will be in the same situation in a couple of weeks. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Jan.x.