Hi all. I was on a few months ago explaining that I am having a full hysterectomy, I don't have cancer or anything like that but my mam passed away from ovarian cancer in 2012, just wondering if anyone else has had the same operation done that I am about to have in a few weeks. Many thanks . kaz
Risk reduction operation: Hi all. I was on a few... - My Ovacome
Risk reduction operation

Hi Kaz, I have had the full monty back in 2006. From what I remember, it took a few hours to complete. I was in recovery for half a day and then moved back to the main ward. I know things have advanced since then. So perhaps ask your gynae, the estimated time of operation as everyone varies. Apart from that, bring in a few nighties as they are handy for first day or so post op. A nice book, hand cream and some music would be good to have with you. When you come home, dont expect to be able to do much for six weeks at least. No heavy lifting, hopefully you can organise some one to come along and make you a cuppa during the day etc. Hope that helps and that you will also get other replies best of wishes

ah many thanks Suzuki, do you mind me asking if you went through the change straight away with them taking your ovaries aswell. thanks for all the advice. xx
I wasnt a spring chicken getting it done so it didnt really affect me, they think I had gone through menopause at diagnosis well almost. I think the younger ladies may be offered hormone treatments but I couldnt be certain on this

Thanks a million for the reassurance, really appreciate it. Hope you are doing ok too xx
Hey Kaz,
I had, as Suzuki described, the full monty in November 2015 due to OC. I actually had 2 surgeries one to remove Ovary and cyst and the other to remove everything else! I am 45 so was premenopause. Both of my surgeries were done laparoscopically and I only have very small scars.
The recovery was quick I was in Hospital for one night for the first surgery and 2 nights for the hysterectomy. You have to take it very easy for a few weeks after but I was driving after 2 weeks and back to work soon after that.
In the context of the menopause I had myself in a bit of a state in the lead up to surgery primarily due to the diagnosis but also worried about combining that with the possible menopause and all that entails!!!! As it turns out I haven't really been experiencing too many menopause symptoms so far. Some hot flushes and some insomnia but nothing that is causing me too much bother. You should know that I am currently in the middle of Chemo so I cannot really tell what symptoms are from what so they could be Chemo related!!!
Everyone is different so I suppose you won't really know until you have the surgery but I would advise trying not to think about it as I had myself worked up into a state about menopause before surgery and it was just a waste of energy!!!!
Best of luck with your surgery and I hope you are as lucky as me as I didn't find the surgery top bad at all and was lucky to have it all done laparoscopically! !!
Good Luck!!!
Hi there ..
I thought the Fallopian tubes were only necessary. Was the uterus removed because of other difficulties I wonder? Xx
Hey Tina,
When OC is involved it seems to be standard to take everything. My cancer was contained in one Ovary but it was high grade so the medical advice was removal of everything. It may be different if the surgery is on the basis of preventing OC rather than reacting to the presence of OC??
Hi D,
I suspect my staging & grading is going to be 1b high grade.
Both ovaries (nithing visible anywhere else) but fast growing.
Did you have chemo?
I know that stage 1 doesn't automatically lead to chemo, but high grade often does.
I'll find out on 23rd, but we seem to be similar - what was you CA 125 level at diagnosis?
Hey Val!
Hope you are feeling better after your surgery! Yes I am currently in the middle of Chemo have 4th of 6 next week and you are right I think it was largely due to technical fact that it was high grade. All of my histology on the second surgery which includes omentum came back clear which was a relief.
I am afraid the C125 is no good for me as mine was always within normal range which is a bit of a nuisance as it will be harder to monitor in the future but such is life!!! My oncologist said it was prob due to the fact that the cancer cells were well contained in only one ovary!
I am on the usual Carboplatin/Paclitaxel regime and it's tough some days but doable!
Hope all goes well for you!