ok ca125 now 1833 after one infusion of caelyx,told this is quite normal due to chemo causing cancer cell death! hmmm lets hope no2 is better!
don't worry lol!: ok ca125 now 1833 after one... - My Ovacome
don't worry lol!

I’ve had similar CA125 results, rising - even after no2! My Oncologist didn’t seem too perturbed....hoping no3 will do the trick!!
Linda x
My CA also went up when I started Caelyx, started to drop after the 2nd infusion. x

😘 let’s hope I have done good luck ! I fill quite well, still work manage the odd bit of nookie lol holiday etc and my beautiful family 😘😘🙏🙏
Seems to happen a lot with caelyx. Mine didn't go like that, now I'm wondering why not and weren't my cancer cells dying? Lol. When I had carbo / taxol I remember I had a big spike in numbers after the first one and all went well after that.
Heard this happening lots Jools. Xx
I think it's largely twaddle, the idea that the CA125 rises because 'cancer cells are dying', it's just a pacifier that they say when we worry. They might well be dying, but so are a lot of other cells with the chemo, it's not exactly selective - chemo causes inflammation, and inflammation causes the CA125 to rise, especially initially. The CA125 rises after surgery too, so its not unusual for it to do so after the body's been hit with something. Don't worry too much, it doesn't really mean anything at this stage - the time to worry is if its still rising after treatment 4 or 5, which isn't very likely.
Mine rose after no. 1 also and then started to come down. Sure yours will do the same. Also regarding side effects mine have been minimal and I've now had four infusions of carbo/caelyx. I hope I haven't spoken too soon! I did a blowy, hilly six mile walk this morning which was hard going but I did it! Take care and good luck x
Thanks Hun got a lot of stomachache on and of no2 Thursday, acupuncture tomorrow so 🙏 it gets better xx
I had the same mine was 560 after the first then it went up to 622 ,after 2nd but after the 3rdit halved 282 and ive just had my 4th and it is 158 they told me it would go up to start with also had a scan after the third on and the tumours have reduced so I think patience is a thing with this disease
That’s good to hear , had no2 chemo yesterday and was told reduced by 200 that’s in two days! Had two ca bloods done long story but let’s hope that’s a sign in the right direction! There more concerned about disease thicking aroun my colon but adamant so surgery! Albeit yet ! 😘😘