Solid cyst on ovary and slightly elevated ca-125 result, but dr just wants to wait until next year. I’m very regular my whole life but a few months ago started having some bloating and breakthrough bleeding I went to the dr. They did all blood test and ultrasound. Ultrasound showed a solid cyst/mass on my ovary (that’s small) and my ca-125 test was 38.7. They are saying they will just blood test again and ultrasound early next year. This isn’t setting well with me. I’m curious if anyone would press harder or just sit back?
Solid cyst and ca-125 result but dr wants to wa... - My Ovacome
Solid cyst and ca-125 result but dr wants to wait and see

OMG! Transvaginal and Abdominal Ultrasound cannot detect early ovarian cancer! I would definitely get a CT/PT scan. Do NOT wait a year. I went to MANY different doctors and was dismissed by all of them. OC is very sneaky. The most common kind- Hi Grade Serous Epithelial grows on the OUTSIDE of your organs so endoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy cannot detect it! Pay attention to your body, you know it best! Go to a gynecological oncologist. They will know what to do to rule out OC or detect it. FYI, my GP, gastroenterologist, urologist all missed the signs!!!!
I agree with Tesla. Do not wait. Doctors miss OC all the time. This is your chance to catch it early. Last I knew normal cysts are not solid. Please demand a CT scan with contrast and don’t wait.
Do not wait. It doesn’t hurt to rule it out but waiting could. Push your doctor for follow up tests or go somewhere else.
Take control and demand further tests now x
Get 2nd opinion, cancer possibilities isn't something you want to wait for. ❤❤liz
Dear Ameegib, please get a second opinion or press for a scan, I don't want to scare you as we are all different but I was diagnosed at stage 4 by the time gp accepted it was not IBS! I did not have the operation and chose the wait and see approach, I feel fine but I am reassured that I will be regularly scanned and monitored. If nothing else it will give you peace of mind. I wish you all the best for the future.
love pat x