Hi lovelies,
Just checking in with you all to see how you all are?
Lots of love
Hi lovelies,
Just checking in with you all to see how you all are?
Lots of love
Hello my friend! I am well. How are you doing?
Hi my lovely,
I'm okay getting used to the new routine it's a bit weird but not too bad.
Hi . Doing ok at the moment 🤞🤞🤞🤞thank you .
How are you ? Xx
That's nice of you. How are YOU doing? The days and weeks after a loss are a strange time, especially the 'firsts', Christmas birthdays etc. xx Hope you are looking after yourself xx
So sweet of you to check on us! All is well on my side of the pond. Got hit by Hurricane Dorian and am getting my exercise cleaning up the tree debris. I hope you are all right and moving forward ok from your loss. Hugs, Jill
Hi lovely,
Hope everyone was safe in the hurricane? Pleased you're doing well. Xxx
The family is all fine and busy holding bonfires of tree debris for friends who cleaned their yards to enjoy. They provide hot dogs and marshmallows! One thing about a disaster: people really pull together and help each other in any way they can. It's heartwarming. I know this transition from caring non-stop to having lots of empty time on your hands is hard and strange so I hope you are doing some special things for yourself. I was my Mom's care and was a bit lost after she passed, so I started taking some art classes to ease back into a normal world. it helped and I made new friends after being isolated so long. Take care!! Big hugs! Jill
Hope you are doing ok and so nice to talk to you. I am in UCLH hospital- I went for my safety visit on the clinical trial and ended up being admitted with ridiculously low electrolytes. So here I am 300 miles from home in a lovely en suite side room, lovely food and incredible views over London.
Doing ok thanks. Last session of chemo next Tuesday and then the all revealing scan soon after. Have fingers toes eyes crossed
👍👋 all ok here
Best wishes
Fay 😁
Lovely for you to ask... my mum is in remission and gone on holidays! 💗 take carexxzx
I'm picking up great from chemo and doing OK on Cediranib 👍🏻.
Big milestones like birthdays and Christmas are especially hard in the first year aren't they? 💐😘
All well here thanks. How are you?
I don't post much now as haven't got anything to say but like to know how everyone is doing.
Hello lovely lady,
it’s so nice to hear from you. How are you doing? You now have a new ‘normal’ and I hope you’re adjusting although I’m sure it will take lots of time.
We’re all still here for you, as you know, keep in touch lovely.
Big hugs and love ❤️Xx Jane
Hi lovely,
I went back to work today and it was nice to be back to some type of normality, loads of people asking why I haven't been about for 7 weeks then doing all the explaining, bit of a pain but was good to talk to people who are different than my family xxx
I know just what you mean, I went back to work after my treatment so I could tick another ‘normal’ off my list and it’s good to be able to see more faces and chat about seemingly insignificant stuff and especially so if your work colleagues are friendly.
Take care lovely ❤️Xx Jane
Have been thinking about you, hope you're doing okay. x
Glad you are doing okay, it has to be hard for you and strange but be kind to yourself, your special person would have wanted that
It's hard and strange but I'm sure we'll get used to it over time xxx
Hi lovely to hear from you 😊 hope you are doing ok too 😍
Hi lovely,
I'm doing okay thanks, back at work so some type of normality which is nice xxx