Dear All
Our support group at Maggies Barts runs every second Monday of the month, 5.30-7.30pm. This month on 12 August we will be joined by one of our members, Emma, who became very interested in organic products after her diagnosis. Emma now works for Tropic skincare and has kindly offered to provide a pampering session for the evening. You can view Emma’s Facebook page here:
This is what Emma has said about the plan for the evening:
"We would do a pamper routine together using the facial and some body products, which are all tropical plant based and toxic-chemical free. I tend to start with a hand scrub and moisturiser as this is a gentle introduction. Then we move on to the face for those that are comfortable with it. This involves a lovely cleanse, with hot flannels, then a toning mist and facial moisturisers. There are face masks and facial oils that people can dip into if they’d like. People find it a real treat. I tend to tell the story of the company, which is very new and fresh and young with quite an inspiring, uplifting story. There are a couple of little games that work well in a group, and I’ll have a range of products with me so people can try them out."
If you’d like to come along to the session please can you let us know by either emailing or calling 0800 008 7054?
Best wishes
Ovacome Support Service Manager