I read that a lot of you lovely ladies are on Avastin. What exactly is it? It's never been mentioned to me by my health professionals. Also, does it work?
Avastin?: I read that a lot of you lovely ladies... - My Ovacome

Hi Zena I trialled this back in 2007/08. Simply put it cuts off the blood supply to any growing cells (that's how the Onc explained it to me). After being on it for a year (18 doses) I achieved in total over 4 years in remission. Side effects..... blocked nose, I used to go through maybe 15-20 tissues each morning blowing my nose! Nose bleeds, aching joints and an increase in blood pressure for which I was prescribed meds which I came off about 6 months after completing the trial. Would I take it again? Yes. Hope that helps. Kathy xx
HI Zena. Avastin / Bevacizumab is trying to suppress or inhibit the building of a tumor's blood supply, is my own understanding (=angiogenesis inhibitor), when used in an OC therapy context. My impression from skimming some googled research is that it might delay a recurrence, where it works.
Side effects for me were considerably lighter than normal chemo, such that I could work while on Avastin (tiredness, occasional nose bleeding, a tendency for muscle cramps, extended bleeding of small wounds and high blood pressure were the most noticeable side effects for most of the year I was on it). It was administered every 3 weeks in form of an infusion, via the portacath... just like chemo. I was told it would need to be stopped some weeks before and after any surgery, if needed, due to the negative effect Avastin can have on wound healing.
In Germany, the guideline states it could be considered for treating stage 3 or 4 OC (first line or recurrence), in combination with chemo, but typically lasting longer than the 6x standard chemo doses e.g. 20x in my case.
Hope that helps. xx. Maus
Hi Zena. I was diagnosed 3c, 7.5 years ago. For my recurrence (18 months later), I was on Carbo/caelxy/avastin, with the avastin continuing thereafter as long as my side effects weren't too problematic and as long as my blood pressure, ca125, urine, liver, kidneys, heart, immune system etc etc stayed in good shape. Avastin is called a "maintenance drug": the chemo gets you into remission & Avastin hopefully keeps you there. It doesn't make you ill like chemo drugs do. I've now had 80 x 3-weekly infusions thru my port. Some people have an infusion lasting 30 mins and some lasting 10 mins. I'm usually at the hospital for around 1/2 a day, taking into account appointment/s, waits etc.
Although it's considered a maintenance drug, it can fight new small tumours to a certain extent. You can't have teeth removed or other ops where bleeding may occur, as it's known to impede wound healing. You have to come off it for a few weeks prior and a few weeks after, if you need any surgery.
I've read a great many negative posts on here about avastin but for me it's been a wonder-drug. My only side effects have been high blood pressure (for that I need meds) and a runny nose, mostly in the morning and when I eat.
So in answer to your question Does it work? From me it's a whole-hearted YES.
Best wishes. Pauline.

Thanks Pauline, I'm glad it was successful for you and hopefully many others. I get a runny nose when I eat without even being on Avastin so I'd probably have a stream if I was on it.
Thanks ever so much for replying. I'm glad everything is going to well. Zena xx
I am 4b had chemo but did not reduce cancer enough for debulking due t o liver and spleen issues. Put on avastin after 3 month scan no progression of my cancer and nothing new so doing its job. All as others have told you less effects than chemo blood pressure up nose very sore and bleeds joints ache like hell but that all said I am grateful for it giving me a better quality of life than I had on chemo. Uk you get 18 treatments I have had 8. Fingers crossed it keeps doing its job.
Hi Zena,
It’s never been mentioned as an option to me, so far,if I stay ok, I’m not questioning anything........still adopting the Ostrich mode L.A. and I used to laugh about, bless her xx