Doxil & Avastin treatment: Hi ladies, I have a... - My Ovacome

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Doxil & Avastin treatment

tntknc profile image
17 Replies

Hi ladies, I have a question that I hope y'all can help me with. I am now platinum resistant with this recurrence and my oncologist is putting me on the Doxil with Avastin. Has anyone else gone through this treatment and what can I expect? What kind of side effects? I am hoping that I will be able to continue teaching at my preschool as long as I don't have issues with my white cell count. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm a little nervous about this chemo because I don't know what to expect.

Thank you, Tracy

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tntknc profile image
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17 Replies

Hi Tracy, I'm guessing you're in the States?

I think in the UK doxil goes under the name of Caelyx.

I can't help with your query, but a lot of women on here should be able to.

Good luck with it.

tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to

Yes,I live in Georgia, USA.

Hi Tracy. If MAC27 is correct and Doxil is Caelyx, I don't fancy your chances of continuing to work. It does a good job of fighting the cancer but it's not the easiest drug on your system. I was on Carbo/Caelyx/Avastin for 6 sessions. Avastin is (in my experience) easy to take. You could work while on that one. But it's the caelyx that will give you a rough time. The side effects of caelyx are many - tiredness, mouth ulcers, sore hands (hard to pick up a mug of tea at times). Others have reported sore feet. It will be interesting to read what others have to say. You won't lose your hair with Caelyx/Avastin. Best wishes. Pauline

tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to

Thank you Pauline for your help! I have heard about the sore hands and feet Ann's was told that when get home after treatment to put ice packs or a bag of frozen peas on my hands and feet. Hoping for the best!

LesleyGreengran profile image

I've found caelyx/doxil the easiest so far. I was ok after the first infusion but my hands got bad after the second one, red and swollen and then flaking skin. The dose was reduced so it's not too bad now, but I don't think I could have done a job that involved a lot of hand washing, as I presume yours does. Everyone is affected differently though so it's hard to say. One of the nurses told me that she had a friend who worked all through it.

tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to LesleyGreengran

Hmmm...I hadn't considered all the hand washing. Thank you for your help Lesley. I was told by a nurse that if I do have problems with my hands and feet to use ice packs after treatment. I will try anything and hoping for the best!

Nancybib profile image

Tracy when are you starting Doxil? Lmk how it goes. XO

jdillon profile image

Hi Tracy! I was curious how your Avastin/Doxil treatment went. I've just completed my second one and have 4 more to go. So far so good on the side effects. They said sometimes they don't show up until rounds 2-3.

I hope it worked well for you! I, too, was platinum resistant and they started this treatment right after carbo/taxol.

Thank you!


tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to jdillon

Hi Jodi, I just came through a rough patch after my 2nd treatment, I had developed an itchy rash from my bra line all the way down to both legs so my oncologist gave me an extra week before this last treatment and then included a dose of benedryl before this chemo. I just had my 3rd chemo this past Thursday and so far so good I'm doing much better! I'm not sure how many more treatments I will get in total. I do know that I will get another one in February though. When I started Doxil and Avastin my CA125 was 253 and it is now a 77! I go in Feb. 3rd for a CT scan. I hope you do well on your treatmentsite!

Take care, Tracy

jdillon profile image
jdillon in reply to tntknc

So glad to hear you're doing better!! I'm waiting in anticipation for something to rear it's ugly head. It is so encouraging that your CA125 has dropped!! The lowest mine got on carbo/taxol was 54. It is currently at a 69. They told me to anticipate an increase on the first two cycles of doxil/avastin, but my maintained. I'm hoping that is a good sign.

It's interesting they are doing a scan after 3 treatments. Are you having any symptoms? My GynOnc is having me complete 6 cycles prior to my next CT.....unless something comes up in the meantime.

Thank you so much for replying!


tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to jdillon

When I was on carbo/taxolthe first time back in 2013 my count went down to a 7 and I was NED for 2 years before it came back. My second time around with those 2 drugs was awful! I think my gyn/onc wants to see whats going on inside because he was shocked at my new count and because of becoming resistant from the last time he wants to stay on top of the situation. Each time it has come back its been in my lymph nodes in my abdomen. But I currently have no symptoms. I have actually not had symptoms on either recurrance and was mad when I found out it was back because I did feel good! Stupid cancer! I was told that it was very probable that my count would go up before it came down so we were all pleasantly surprised by the new number! I hope yours dropso too! I'm glad that I can answer your questions, it helps me too to help someone else and to talk to others that are going through the same thing. We all get each other!


binx49717 profile image
binx49717 in reply to tntknc

gosh i dont want to sound like an idiot but what is ca125? There is so many things to look after with blood tests and everthing.I am only recieving doxil because my insurence wont cover the avastin. Do you know if there is a differance if you are only recieving one of the meds? thanks jodi

Cynthia18 profile image
Cynthia18 in reply to binx49717

Your ca125 is your cancer should be under 35.mine was 1400 before surgery 2yrs later it's been staying under.

jdillon profile image

I all of the 'bad'.....the good is to be able to help others that understand the feelings, struggles and fears!

Am I reading correctly that you did carbo/taxol twice? And the second time around was when they decided you were resistant to those so they then switched you to Avastin/Doxil?

I'm glad you're not having any symptoms and that your Oncologist is on top of it! I currently am having no symptoms to speak of. However, I still have ascites showing up in my abdomen which is an indicator my cancer is still active. So far no signs of masses or other affected organs. Soooooo very thankful for that.

Jodi :)

tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to jdillon

Yes I went through carbo/taxol twice and now Doxil and Avastin. Are you doing good with your blood work coming back up? This last time my white and red count were a little low and my nutrifils were borderline which allowed me to get my recent chemo treatment but I may be looking at getting the dreaded Nuelasta shot if those counts don't come back up.

I am sorry to hear about the ascites but wonderful that no masses found or organs are affected.

Can I ask how long ago you were diagnosed? I was January 2013.


jdillon profile image
jdillon in reply to tntknc

I was diagnosed June 15, 2016. Had surgery June 16th and began carbo/taxol the beginning of July. I finished 6 rounds on November 1st. My CA125 was up and down throughout all 6 rounds. Upon my post treatment follow up my CA125 had only dropped to a 54 and my CT showed the ascites so he started me on Doxil/Avastin the first part of December.

My blood work has always been pretty good. On cycles 5 & 6 of carbo/taxol my white count was right on the line of being too low. I came close to him doing Nuelasta, but was close enough he felt okay about continuing treatment without it. So far since then all of my bloodwork has been good.

But the best thing today......reading your responses and having JANUARY 2013 jump off the page at me! :) So encouraging!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

tntknc profile image
tntknc in reply to jdillon

I'm so glad that they have helped you! You gave me a big smile! 😁.

I am really happy to say that I have been able to continue to work all through this chemo treatment! I take off one day for the chemo and any other appts. I set for the afternoon when I get off work! I love my job which is teaching 4 year olds at our church preschool and I find it keeps my mind busy and helps keep me positive! It's really been a blessing! In the past with my other treatments I was not able to work, just to weak and achy to work. Being around those kids is just what I need!

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