Laxatives: Hi ladies Does anyone still take daily... - My Ovacome

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Hi ladies

Does anyone still take daily laxatives after surgery treatment?

Oncologist said probably need them for life due to scar tissue. It’s been 3 years now 😬

She doesn’t anticipate any long term side affects.

Wonder what you ladies thought.


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26 Replies
Lindaura profile image


I have been fortunate not to have this problem myself, but my daughter, who is now 42 years old, suffered from Lyme Disease which left her with damaged small muscles in her bowels. She had been taking laxatives in one combination or another, Lactulos, Senechot, Ducosate Sodium, and Macrigol, for the past 20 years.

She is in amazingly good health, despite this and the other effects of Lyme Disease, but she takes an assortment of supplements, eats a healthy vegan diet, and that’s just her life now.

She avoids codeine and any of the opioid pain killers because of their constipating effects, so has a very difficult time if she needs an operation.

Hope this helps,


in reply to Lindaura

That’s so reassuring thank you.

I’m sorry your daughter suffers but great to hear how well she is looking after herself.

Does she take a mixture of the laxatives or just tries each one independently ? X

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to

She takes several together, than switches to another mixture every other day. I think she takes the Macrogol (Lacido) every night, but sometimes with Senecot, sometimes with ducosate sodium, sometimes adds lactulose. Plus lots of water!

It just depends on how it’s working each morning.

Oh, yes, she also drinks a glass of prune juice each morning followed by 2 cups of coffee.

A difficult regimen, and it takes a lot of time each night and each morning.

She cannot work a regular job, because of her body’s schedule does not let her, but fortunately, she works part time for me, plus takes care of a lot of household tasks for me.

She moved back home to help me when I was bedridden with cancer, but now I am back to myself and she will help me expand the business I had to shrink when I got sick.

So, she functions. Just on a different track than most people.

Hope you get this functionality, too.



in reply to Lindaura

Thanks Laura. It has been a process to know what I can and can’t eat. I still alternate with the laxatives too so it’s reassuring to hear other ladies do too.

I work full time in a school so hard sometimes re bowel schedule.

It’s a much better process during school holidays when my body is more relaxed.

Thanks for the advice. Xx

Irisisme profile image

Hi Laurelsx (Sarah?),

Yes! I still have to rely on laxatives and my surgery was January 2017.

I take 2 docusate sodium twice a day to help improve the peristalsis and Laxido

Powders (usually one twice a day) as a stool softener.

It is possible that our colons come to rely on the drugs as it’s generally not a good idea to stay on them, but with 2 partial bowel blockages over the last 2 years I’m not risking coming off them - and My Onc and GP don’t advise it.

I am also on a low dose of an opiate and Co-codamol for joint pains and the pain meds cause constipation.

Scar tissue and adhesions are normal after abdominal surgery and I also had a lot of ‘seeding’ along & around my bowel, which would slow things up.

You are not alone!


Iris x

in reply to Irisisme

Thank you so much for the reassurance. If I don’t take any I just don’t go!! I think you are right about the reliance which is what I was concerned about. I have a lot of scar tissue that apparently causes blockages.

I will stop worrying and just keep taking them !! Xx

Irisisme profile image
Irisisme in reply to

Thats what I’m doing too 👍😁

Thinkerbell profile image

Hi, I had 2 surgeries, April and May 2017. I'm still using movicol, lactulose occasionally due to constipation. I also suffer from IBS so is not always that I have to use them. I try not to take paracetamol, ibuprofen or codeine as they cause my stomach and bowel to irritate. But I take buscopan daily plus nefopam for pain in my joints. I try to drink plenty water and eat sensibly to help my digestion. I found reducing carbohydrates to 20-30 grams a day it helps me to avoid constipation. Despite I have the laxatives available I try to use them only when absolutely necessary to allow my bowel to work.

Twice since treatment I've follow anti inflammatory diet for 2 months each time with great results reducing inflation and pain on my bowel. I hope you get a balanced routine that helps you to reduce the consumption of medication as much as possible. 🤗

in reply to Thinkerbell

Thank you to the advice re carbs.

I’ve recently seen a dietician and I’ve been following the Fodmap diet.

Although it hasn’t helped re constipation it’s help massively with bloating. I’ve tried not to cut all carbs but just have a few a week. I’ve stopped all bread.

It’s all trial and error isn’t.

Thank you for the reassurance. Xx

Thinkerbell profile image
Thinkerbell in reply to

Yes, we all are different, each of us with a different mixture of illnesses and conditions. Bread it must be out of the equation for multiple reasons, but Carbs are also important so reducing the amount consumed is important as choosing tje type of Carbs taken. I forgot to mention the diet periods were also times when commercially processed food was reduced to the minimum expression, so, salad dressings were homemade, mayo was homemade, cake was made at home with alternative flours and so on.... You just try everything until you find your own balance, plan your weekly meals ahead so everything is considered (even dining out), include all ingredients good for your conditions and exclude the ones you must avoid. Best of luck 🤗🍀❤️

in reply to Thinkerbell

That’s exactly how it is. I don’t eat processed foods but have to be careful not to eat too much fruit/veg either.

Hey it is a small price to pay isn’t it.

I just wanted to check that it is fairly normal to take the laxatives everyday.

Thanks fir the advice. Xx

ZenaJ profile image

I've been taking laxatives (at least 4 a day) for five years due to scar tissue damage. I've had one blocked bowel nearly 2 years ago. My prescription says I can take up to 8 but I've found a limit where I don't have to rush to the loo which is good when going out. I still don't go every day though. I even took them on my visit to India where normally constipation isn't an issue for people.

I personally wouldn't worry about it.

Best wishes,

Zena x

in reply to ZenaJ

I’m really glad I asked the question. I feel reassured now and will just crack on taking them and stop being concerned.

Thank you Zena.

Hope your trip to India was amazing. Xx

ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to

It was amazing I would recommend it. I can't wait to book more holidays.

Never be afraid to ask anything on here it's useful information for us all. We don't always know what we don't know until someone else asks the questions. I knew nothing about BRCA until I saw it on here and it turned out I carry the gene. I had the test last year.

Best wishes,

Zena xx

in reply to ZenaJ

It’s true Zena, so much information to be gained here. I hadn’t know about the BRCA test until saw it here.

The oncologist/CNS didn’t mention it.

I don’t carry the gene.


ZenaJ profile image
ZenaJ in reply to

That's good news that you don't carry the gene. It was a bit of a worry that my children might also have it but luckily I'm the only one in our family with it. My hospital team didn't mention it to me either. I asked for the test once I'd read about it.

I sometimes wonder if they think someone else has mentioned something so don't tell you themselves. It stops us hearing everything a few times but I'd rather that than not hear it at all. xx

in reply to ZenaJ

That’s good news that your children don’t have the gene.

Maybe some one should write some sort of information pack for CNS to give to patients. Most of what I’ve learnt has been from this forum.

The advice I gained from reading all the messages here after I’d had the op helped me immeasurably.

I’d lay awake at night reading everything !!! Xx

Eriksendi profile image

Yes I do too , every day. Have stoma but it blocks otherwise

lesleysage profile image

Hi, my last op was just over 6 years ago and I make a juice (beetroot, carrot, apple & orange + root ginger) every morning, plus half sachet of Movicol and then in the evening, half an Aloe Vera Colon Cleanse tablet. As others have shared, just keep experimenting until something works for you.

And, just for extra reassurance, 'my regime' can get knocked off its efficiency if I'm traveling and then am drinking different water supplies. So, I increase either the Movicol or Aloe Vera tablet to suit the circumstances....tablet easier to swallow than get Movicol dissolved sometimes.

Warm wishes, Lesley

in reply to lesleysage

Oooh not heard of the colon cleanse tablet!!

You are so right about the regime being knocked. You think you’ve got the balance about right then you go away or eat the wrong food and it’s like back to square one again !!!

I know it sounds daft but I’m so pleased I asked the question. I feel more relaxed knowing it’s quite normal after the op for so many of you.

Not saying I’m happy that you all obviously suffer too but reassured !!!

Thank you for the advice and tips ! Xx

Hi. Constipation has been a problem for me too. I’ve had 3 surgeries. Currently I’m working with a gastroenterologist after a blockage. She has been enormously helpful and keen not to encourage my bowel to be dependent so I now take small doses of erythromycin twice a day and 2 docusate twice a day. Laxido/movico is only if absolutely necessary. In the past have also had good support from the dieticians. I would encourage you to ask for professional help at your hospital. I felt I was randomly treating symptoms without really knowing what was needed. Much more confident since I have an expert guiding me. Hope that helps. X

in reply to

Thank you for your advice. 3 surgeries sound hard going 😒

I have seen a dietician and am following her advice - Fodmap diet.

Easy to do but not seen any change re bowels. Oncologist just says keep taking laxatives. Scan revealed scar tissue and apparently it’s this that causes the problems.


ellseybellsey profile image

I have been on docusate, & Laxido since surgery 3 years ago due to adhesions and scar tissue.Ellsey xx

in reply to ellseybellsey

I haven’t tried Docusate before.

I use movicol and Senna at the moment with gallons of water. As long as I keep on top of it and no change to routine it’s manageable.

I will look into Docusate. Thank you. Xx

Welshandproud profile image

I still take laxatives daily two and a half years after surgery. I have taken different types but I am now on 2 docusate sodium night and morning and senna at night. This is working for me at the moment x

in reply to Welshandproud

Definitely will look into Docusate.

Bought the aloe Vera colon cleanse today.

Thank you for letting me know what you all use. Xx

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