Hi ladies, Can any of you tell me how you got your results for the BRCA test? I was told I would receive a letter through the mail and wondered it this was the norm. Thanks lovely ladies. x
BRCA Test: Hi ladies, Can any of you tell me how... - My Ovacome

Hi Zena. I was told in a meeting, face to face. I believe my son was also told in that way too. I was given a letter showing the results. Hope you are ok xx
Thanks. I was originally told I would receive a letter but had a phone call this morning saying they want to bring my appointment forward to this Friday to discuss the results. I'm guessing from this that it will be a positive result. I can't make it this Friday so I have an extra week to wait to find out as nothing was revealed over the phone. I'm not too worried either way it's just the anticipation. xxx
To be honest Zena it became a double edged sword.... I could pass it on to my children but it also opened up more treatment options. Also, to me personally it was a case of well I had the OC by then anyway although it does mean I now have annual mammograms and can have preventative breast surgery if I want. x
Hi zena, I was told during meeting with onc and a few weeks later got an appointment with geneticist who did family tree and gave me a family reference number so my siblings could then be referred under this reference. Hope infonhelps, take care, joanie
Thanks Joanie. It appears from all the replies that negative results come with a phone call or letter. I'm guessing that mine might be positive as I had a phone call this morning asking to see me Friday to discuss the results. I'll have to wait and see. I can't make this Friday so it'll be next Friday. I'll post my results when I get them. xx
Hi zena it might be that your once discusses negative and positive results, my once told me but followed it up with saying there are plenty of treatments available for brac patients and was quite positive. I'm just hoping that my kids haven't got the rogue gene so waiting for their results. Good luck for Friday, keep us posted as to how you get on xx
I just received a letter in the post, but mine was negative, so I wonder whether I’d have had an appointment if it had been positive? I’ll never know!
Vicki x
Think I remember them asking me how I wanted results and I agreed it was ok for them to ring with a follow up letter and appointment if needed . I was negative so we discussed over the phone and I then had a letter .
Love and best wishes Kim x
Mine came in a letter as well xxxx
Same as PurpleIris. Asked how I wanted results so phone call with follow up,letter Jo 🌼🌸🌺🌻🌹
I asked for a phone call or letter. It's difficult to know what the norm is unless you come on here are ask others. There doesn't really seem to be one. cc
Mine was at regular onc meeting but negative anyway so not been offered parp inhibitors but it’s good news for my daughter. Xx
I was told over the phone, then had a face to face with a genetics councillor. They wanted to tell me at the meeting, but I gathered I had it so it insisted they tell me, after that I had a letter confirming it. A few days later I had a letter containing a report of all that was discussed at the face to face and letter for my loved ones to take to GP if they wanted to have the test , hope that helps. I very quickly had a mammogram which was clear! Xx
hi Zena hope you are feeling ok.
I was in hospital at the time and the genetic counsellor came to see me to talk about the result. After that I had a letter
Thanks Elizabeth. I'll post my results next week when I get them. x