What did they think your cyst/mass was before d... - My Ovacome

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What did they think your cyst/mass was before diagnosis

leeanne81 profile image
25 Replies

Was wandering if while having or after us did they tell you you had a cyst or mass or afterwards what did they think your cyst was ie dermoid . Hemorrahgic. Fluid ect

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leeanne81 profile image
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25 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Hi, I was told I had cysts, though with a mum who had had OC I knew they werent 'normal' . Wasnt told anything else about them until I was told it was indeed OC XX

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to Katmal-UK

Yeah my mum died of it aswell when i was 16 but it was 20 years ago i never knew much about her diagnosis or symptoms ect i have had probs for 8 months now no really a ill person lol but after two ultrasounds months apart i have a cyst but they have said possible hemorragic would be ok with it but said possibly not liking that lol not sure if missed on first one but i am hopeing it has resolved coz i had bloating for 3 months now just uncomfortable so hopefully a good thing being checked for endometriosis and poss cyst removal if still there but everything takes ages and it annoys me with having it in family it should be two week rule but its not

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to leeanne81

But also found out my mum had it when she was around my age first time round

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to leeanne81

So what exactly are they going to do about it? When do you go for further tests?

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to Katmal-UK

Because they suspect endometriosis im having a laparoscopy but still had no date even tho said it had been booked ringing monday incase lost in post ive never had probs before and the cyst maybe just by chance thing but the amount of pain i get if it is it must be bad so may say get everything out lol

Katmal-UK profile image

Hope they get whatever is causing you pain sorted soon. Always worth asking for a second opinion if you feel you are not bein listened to. Dont be put off by being made to feel you are just paranoid, its your body, your life xx

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to Katmal-UK

I think they have been quite good as ive had alot of tests ect its just the time in between each thing seems a long time thanks for your responces

Lily-Anne profile image

I was told a simple cyst. Was in my 40's not menopausal no family history of any cancer. Normal CA125. Stage 1C diagnosed with histology. Think it's very difficult without lab check


Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to Lily-Anne

Hi I no it’s a long time ago but can I ask did they leave the simple cyst alone, I was told I have one too simple cyst on left ovary also cystic echo texture appearance of the the endometrium after a ultrasound and internal ultrasound so just don’t no what’s going to happen with me as Bern waiting until my referral in Jan 2023 for an appointment at gym in hospital

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to Nat107

Hi i was toldmine was hemeragic cyst by the time next test it was gone. Had laparoscopy found cysts at back of womb Had mri for adenomiosis nothing wrong apart from organs stuck together which they seperated some they didnt know what causes that. But all was fine in the end nothing serious so dont panic till you know whats what x

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to leeanne81

Thank you very much for reply, did you have any pain in your stomach at any time please x

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to Nat107

I started with back and tummy pain when the cyst went it stopped but i think i was having few diff things going on at same time so hard to tell what was fRom what lol

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to leeanne81

If they have scanned it they are generally good at seeing if it looks dodgy or not most people get cysts every month dont cause any probs

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to leeanne81

Yes put it as a simple cyst which I think are no problem but it’s the cystic appearance of the epidetrium I think may be why I was referred as said referral recommended x

Nat107 profile image
Nat107 in reply to leeanne81

Thank you I’m exactly same at mine T so much going on x

ZenaJ profile image

At my first visit to A&E after scans and blood test I was told I had ovarian cancer with a secondary cancer in my spine. As this was a regular ward doctor nothing was confirmed for two months until after the op. Until I went to A&E with pains in my lower abdomen and legs I'd never been examined even when I mentioned to my GP that I couldn't bend over properly to do my trainers up because of my belly.

The cancer people were not happy that I'd been told in the ward as they said I should never have been alone when told and they would never have confirmed it at that stage. I didn't mind as I'm not the sort of person who worries about things like that and I wasn't about to sue anyone. I'd rather know.

devotedtolife55 profile image

I was told by a locum that I had an "ovarian mass" - my GP walked into the room and could not have been less interested. I walked into A&E as I was very concerned at the lack of getting anything done by my GP. I managed to get myself in front of a brilliant surgeon. He measured my mass and told me I was the equivalent of a women 6 months pregnant at 26 cms. He told me this was very serious, cleared his operating schedule, fast tracked a hospital bed and operated on my the next day. I am currently 4 1/2 years No Evidence of Disease. I love my surgeon and changed my GP!

Biscuitqueen profile image
Biscuitqueen in reply to devotedtolife55

Blimey what an awful GP. My Mum got misdiagnosed for a year by hers and I thought her GP took home the award for awful doctor of the year!

CJR99 profile image

Hi Leanne,

I was informed during an ultrasound scan on May 30th this year with a gyne-oncologist (a complete star it has to be said) that I had an ovarian tumor with a solid centre and ascites (fluid in pelvic area) in the right ovary. He explained it needed to be removed via surgery immediately and I wouldn't wait more that 3-4 weeks for surgery. He recommended a total hysterectomy also. I was also tested for various tumor markers and on 28th June had the surgery (robotic/key-hole), omental biopsy and washings. I'm still waiting for the full path report but, have been informed they caught everything nice and early and I'm a very lucky lass, as we say up North!

There are lots of different types of cysts/ovarian tumors or masses and the huge majority are benign and I sincerely hope that is the case for you...

My surgeons also were amazing and despite the glorious surgical menopause I am recovering well and praying nothing returns...

This site is full of amazing people...

Best wishes Clare x

Neona57 profile image

I was told at ultrasound that I had a 10 cm cyst and that they were sending the results to my GP straight away. She referred me immediately and I saw a surgeon within 3 days. He said I had 2 complex cysts and ascites and booked me for surgery. I asked if it was likely to be malignant and he reluctantly answered that it was likely but that they couldn't be sure of anything until surgery. I was eventually diagnosed as clear cell stage 3 C . I am not finding it easy to get a copy of my pathology report and, 7 months later, am still not sure exactly what lymph nodes and part of colon were removed.

leeanne81 profile image

Thanks for replys

rppizio profile image

My Ultra Sound and Scan were indicative for some type of Carcinoma. They just wouldn't know until pathology came back. Local Doctor was so sure that it was cancer that she referred me to an gyn/onc right away. What they didn't see was where all it had spread to, that was a surprise.

leeanne81 profile image
leeanne81 in reply to rppizio

Thanks for reply they have said mine is possibly hemorrahgic but i just dont like the fact they said probably and im not on urgent list to check it out im tempted to ask for my us reportif they dont hurry up

rppizio profile image

We have to continue to have faith that the Radiologist know what they are doing and that if they felt is was anything more serious that they would note that for the doctors findings. Waiting is harder for me than the recovery.. I do feel for you and wish you the very best outcome.

leeanne81 profile image

Yeah I suppose so if I still have it they are going to remove it when I have laparoscopy not sure when tho I am just fed up of pain I think I just want answers I suppose thanks for responces

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