Mass found in pelvice: Hi, I’m new and was told... - My Ovacome

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Mass found in pelvice

41 Replies


I’m new and was told yesterday that a scan has picked up a 10cm by 4cm mass near my ovary. They couldn’t actually see my right ovary so they don’t know where it’s coming from.

I am booked in to see a specilaist but that won’t be until next week Andy I am besid myself with worry. I can’t eat or sleep.

The doctor said that the mass doesn’t show any vascularity but that because it I should large and complex, he can’t rule anything out.

I know that no one on here can diagnose me but wondered if anyone can relate.

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41 Replies



Lindaura profile image

Dear Frenchy,

I cannot actually relate, as I was completely ignorant of Ovarian Cancer when I wound up in hospital riddled with it!

But, you will need to wait for your specialist appointment to know what is really happening to you.

Even when it was obvious that I had Cancer , there were several weeks before I had a biopsy and then my appointment with my new Oncologist and then treatment plans.

In the meantime, you need to do a lot of online research, choosing places like Ovacome and articles with the latest dates to keep up to date on treatment plans.

If you live in the UK, the MacMillan charity has loads of up to date information .

Best wishes,


Cropcrop profile image

In a way we can all relate with your situation because the “not knowing” is the hardest bit and we’ve all been there in one way or another, it may sound silly but I think that once you do actually know what is happening and it has an actual name, even if that name is cancer, then you know just what you’re up against and a treatment plan will be formulated and you can deal with it fully armed.

I, personally, don’t think going on the internet is a good thing especially at this stage, (sorry to contradict Laura ) you will find information out there that just doesn’t necessarily apply to your position and you’ll find statistical information that will scare the pants off you. Wait until you have a definite diagnosis and, if it is cancer, ask your medical team, ask your Macmillan nurse, ask our fab admin team and ask us too. Many of us don’t believe in using Doctor google as the information on there is so out of date and bogus.

I hope you get the news you need very soon and can then move forward fully informed. ❤️Xx Jane

Maus123 profile image

Hi there. It is so so hard to do but my advice would be to take one step at a time until you have a definitive diagnosis. And then think about how you want to handle the result.

Hopefully the mass is benign. Should there be any chance of cancer though, you might want to make sure to get staged and treated further (especially if you're headed towards surgery!) in a big/certified gynecological cancer center hospital.. not in a small regional/local place. In that case you'll want plenty of expertise around so you get access to the best possible treatment options.

For now, step by step. All the best. Maus

Eva25 profile image

Hello. If there is no vascularization, this is a good sign! Only a positive attitude! Thoughts negative disconnect! And turn on comedies! Everything will be fine. Waiting for news.

in reply toEva25

Thanks - all good advice!

Why is the absence of vascularization such a good sign?

Eva25 profile image
Eva25 in reply to

Cancer is supplied with blood, but a normal cyst does not have vascularization, as it is most often. Therefore, only a positive attitude!

in reply toEva25

Thank you for your reply! I will try to hold on to all the positives (although I'm mainly focussing on the negatives!)

Thanks for all your comments so far.

I am not very good at staying calm and complete panic has set in, I know it's illogical to think the worst but I have already decided it's cancer.

My GP thinks it's OK as it doesn't seem to have a blood supply (vascularity?) but this doesn't help me at all and I know that GPs aren't the specialists.

Taking one step at a time is good advice. I found out yesterday and just crumbled - managed to hold it together for my son and just said that I am under the weather. I am going to struggle to get through the weekend though.

I have called in sick to work as I can't put a brave face on things just yet but I kno I should go in really to take my mind off it all.

shortfriend profile image

welcome Frenchy80, poor you, I totally understand your fear and anxiety which is what we have all experienced in this forum. I too have a pelvic mass near my ovary, I went in to get surgery but just had a laparoscopy as the mass was to near my bladder and bowel. It is ovarian cancer I have but have been told my type responds well to chemo.They have decided I should have chemo before the surgery I am waiting to start this so may be just a few steps ahead of you in prognosis! This is a horrible time when you are waiting and I cannot say anything about what you have but I can listen and understand. If you have a local clan or Maggie's centre

I highly recommend them. I went straight to Maggie's on getting my news, where I met a lovely nurse/advisor who spent some time with me and gave me information when I was in a distressed state. They also had groups for women going through the same thing and I was supplied with lots of information about other resources. If you don't have that I would phone the McMillan help line. Sorry,lovely Lindaura but I agree that you should not google, a lot of it may be inaccurate or uses language that we don't understand which makes it more frightening, but it is a matter of choice, I wish I hadn't googled!! You could also speak to your GP who may refer you to other resources or prescribe you something for anxiety, lack of sleep. This is a time to look after yourself if you can, I don't know your situation, but I see only fairly positive friends and have become ruthless in deciding who to spend time with and what I should be doing as you can easily feel overwhelmed by well meaning friends and relatives. (if this is the case, Maggies also offers support to relatives and friends)Distract yourself with undemanding t.v, a good book, light hearted kind company, try and see if mindfulness works for you. I spend my time watching old Agatha Christie films, and sleeping a lot! Remember, although this is new to you, you are in experienced and expert hands and this forum is full of lovely people who have experienced what you are going through just now.

I wish you all the best and am sending you positive vibes, reassuring hugs and love. keep posting. short friend xx

Thank you again - lovely replies and sensible advice. The not knowing is hard and I have googled excessively - I have a bad habit of this and i'm really going to try to stop as it has already taken me to some dark places!

One thing that I can almost (already) see the funny side of is when I was given the news from my GP - he started off by saying......'well to start off with I don't see anything alarming in your scan report' (I take a big sigh of relief)..........' there is a 10cm complex mass though which will require some thought'. Fantastic bedside manner but nothing alarming to a 10cm mass is a bit of a stretch!

Lollie2016 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear about the mass in your pelvis. It was a similar situation for me, when I ended up in hospital due to a pain in my pelvis. After a scan, in mass was found in my ovary.

There are plenty of tests yet to be done before any diagnosis can be given so try not to panic. Have you had a ca125 blood test? If not you should request one. So many of these lumps are benign , it’s very common and I would not assume it’s cancer. However definitely should get the tests done for peace of mind.

You may need to get that mass surgically removed and then tested . This is what I did. It was fine, done with endoscopic surgery. Don’t search on internet for answers as it will cause you anxiety. I know it’s hard , try to be positive and wait for the test results. Good luck Xxx

Ruby4rosr profile image

Hi, I'm 9 days post op from having a large mass, that turned out after testing to be a benign ovarian cyst removed. Went through hell till I got my diagnosis but everything returning to normal. Op nowhere near as bad as I envisaged. Good luck and keep positive.

Thank you! Been up pretty much all night and can’t eat due to anxiety.

I felt fine before it was found!

I haven’t had the ca125 test and haven’t requested it. My reluctance is that my appointment with specialist isn’t until 18th February and if my result comes back raised It will make that wait more anxious for me. Not sure if that’s sensible or not!

I’ve prepared myself for the likelihood of surgery either way as it’s large. I’m not very brave so worrying about that too.

Glad that both you ladies are doing fine and had good news x

Chick44nzrn profile image

Dear Frenchy80 Thinking of you this morning and hope you had a better sleep .

Of course you are frightened of the unknown as we all have been , but oddly if it is a cancerous diagnosis you will be able to handle it ! There are incredible treatment options available .

Fear is such a horrible thing and so unfair as often it turns out to be unfounded!

After my v large breast tumour last September , radical op , then chemo which was frankly pretty challenging , then a change to a more easily tolerated one, I’m having a party at mine tonight to celebrate

Life, friends, laughter and love , so with steroids and antisickness meds on board ,

I’ve cooked all day yesterday , and am planning to enjoy every minute! If you live in Dorset you’re welcome to join us!

Try to distract yourself to give your overloaded anxious brain a break !

Keep a diary! Have massage or a hairdo for a little temporary relief ... the days will pass and you will get through this difficult time.

Denise x

Thank you! Enjoy your party tonight, that sounds lovely. So kind for you to invite me! I live in York though so a little far away!!!

I am supposed to be at a concert tonight and don’t feel like it at all but will try to make myself go and I’m sure it’ll help me.


Just realised it should be ‘pelvis’ think the lack of sleep and food has got to me!

mrstadpole profile image

Sorry to hear your news but try if you can to keep yourself distracted as much as possible.As suggested hair do, massage, stroll around town whatever you enjoy.It does help a little and gives you something to look forward

Neona profile image

My ultrasound showed , I think, bilateral complex cysts and a small amount of ascites. I think it was the ascites that made the doctors sure it was cancer. I have read a post from someone who had a complex cyst that was benign. So hang on in there.

Thanks Neona.

I’m trying but pretty much failing to be positive. I’m not sure if I have ascites or not, the doctor didn’t say.

To say that I have a 10cm mass, I’m not bloated although that maybe doesn’t mean anything.

I suppose the symptoms I have could be either benign or not and I won’t know until I see a specialist.

I’m shaking all over and crying all the time.

Mptelesca profile image

Yes, I can relate. I had a similar size tumor. I waited too long to go see my doctor (I was unaware of OC. just thought it was constipation. By the time I went to my dr. it had burst.

My only advice to you is to take it one step at a time. There's always that possibility that the tumor can be benign....just me thinking positive. You never know. If it's not...there are so many options and great doctors out there that are going to help you.

It's hard to tell you, but, don't let your fears overcome your thinking (I'm one to give advice). Do stay on this site for support and good information. Remember...everyone is different. Sending positive energy, hugs and prayers.



Rlenesue profile image

Well sure this news is scary. A specialist is definitely the way to go as they are properly trained in the field. I know it's hard not to worry but know we are all here for you. Let us know how you get on.

Thanks all - you really are very supportive.

Had a couple of glasses of wine last night and told a lot of my friends who have all been lovely.

The wine really helped last night but I’m back to panic mode today!

Decca4Ever profile image

I'd focus on what your GP said - and take his word for it. 'I don't see anything alarming in your scan report'. Honestly, they don't say that lightly. It's all 'suspicious' or 'concerning' at this point to justify further investigation. And your scan report was written by an expert. Also, GPs see an awful lot of scan reports. They can hear alarm bells ringing.

I agree with Maus. 'One step at a time'. I was in your position and had to get through 6 weeks of scans, biopsy, appointments and, finally, surgery. Like you, I was petrified and couldn't eat. My GP was brilliant and prescribed me a low-dose anti-depressant and valium to take till the anti-d kicked in. It made a huge difference. Oh - and in the end, my 22cm mass (no idea whether it had a blood supply or not) turned out not to be cancer.

Fingers crossed you'll have the same happy outcome!

in reply toDecca4Ever

Wow! 22cm - were you in pain?

Thanksfor the positivity. I think I may head to the doctors and get some help to get me through. It’s been wine the last couple of evenings but I can’t get through another few days let alone 6 weeks with this stress!

Decca4Ever profile image

No - no symptoms at all, except a pregnant profile. I thought it was what happened when you gave up pulling in your tummy muscles. I'd had 3 children and I suppose they were already pretty stretched.

My GP has asked me to go in for the CA125 test before my hospital app. I know it’s pathetic but I feel like I’m too scared to have it.

What are the chances of it being raised whether cancer or not? I have also been diagnosed with fibroids and obviously the mass. I know that can raise the level anyway?


Had my specialist appointment today and have been pretty upset. I (naively) thought I would get some answers but am just more freaked out.

My ca125 was in at 13 which was reassuring but now have had other blood tests which I’m worrying about.

Have also been referred for an MRI. I found out that the radiologist has suspected a dermoid cyst but don’t feel overly relieved/ convinced.

I think I am suffering from acute anxiety so not hearing positives right now- he did say there’s no fluid (except normal) in my pelvis which is a good sign but I know I’m going to worry.

in reply to

They also took swabs for MRSA so I’m thinking they’re planning on surgery pretty quickly!

Liseeloo profile image

Hi Frenchy80

Thought I'd update you on my news. Had repeat bloods for Ca 125 and bowel tumour markers, Ca down from 141 to 119 and bowel negative. Biopsy of endometrial lining was negative and Mri confirms cyst attached to womb not bowel. Cyst walls quite thick and flu i d filled so Dr thinks it's been there a while, possibly endometriosis (although I've never had any symptoms) or as a result of scarring from my section when I had my daughter. Fibroid is embedded but not causing an issue. Plan is for Laparoscopy cystectomy and Hysteroscopy of uterus plus removal of any polyps/fibroids and then Mirena Coil fitted. This should help reduce if not stop my monthly bleeding and see me through the menopause. Of course nothing is certain and a very small risk of ca remains but I'm much more positive now and thankful for technology these days. Raised Ca125 is not a great indicator and Drs do know what they are looking at and I have every confidence in him to remove what Is necessary with minimal intervention. I know I'm very lucky, it could have been worse. Remember, most cysts are benign so think positive, be well informed and go armed with all your questions when you next see consultant. Good luck and keep in touch x


Thank you so much for your update. Had been thinking about you!

Good that tumor markers are down and that everything looks very positive.

I’m still finding this waiting for results very tough.

I had a missed call from a ‘no callerID’ number on Friday and have convinced myself it was the hospital (they put on my notes that they will call me) and that it can only be bad news so soon after my MRI!!

Keep in touch xx

Liseeloo profile image

Ahh bless you, it Might not have been them too don't forget x

The waiting is the worst part, definitely. I described myself as like a cat on a hot tin roof, my poor hubby really copped it lol. I now need to wait on a surgery date which should be in April, so more waiting and time to think! 🙄

I'm glad you've shared your news with your friends. They are so important. Mine have been brilliant and so supportive.

Don't forget, your Ca125 has come back normal which is great, a real positive amongst the worry. I'm not going to say don't worry as I did just that myself, but try to stay as positive as you can and keep in touch xx

Thank you Liseeloo

I missed another call from the no Id caller again today! Tried to call my consultant’s secretary but she’s not in until tomorrow. Called the ward and all they could tell me with the information they had was that my MDT may have been last Thursday or may be this Thursday. She couldn’t see if a further appointment had been booked for me or if anyone had tried to call me.

I’m now so convinced that it was the hospital calling and that my MDT may have already taken place on Thursday.

How long after your MRI did you find out your results/have a consultation?


Liseeloo profile image

Hi Frenchy80,

There was a week between MRI & Consultant appt. He had every result there from all the additional tests I had. Just depends on health authority I guess but that said most things are digital these days so even tho an MRI takes a while to evaluate, it is quicker than it used to be. Try calling the Secretary again and see if she can fill you in a bit more. Let us know how you get on x

Neona profile image

I recently read a post from a lady with a similar complex cyst which turned out to be benign. I had bilateral complex cysts which were not benign but I also had some ascites which I think was the main reason they thought it was malignant. Fingers crossed that all will be well.


Big roller-coaster of a day yesterday! Got a call first thing in the morning to book me in for an operation on the 18th March!! At this point I still hadn’t had any contact concerning my results and I basically shut down. Spent the rest of the morning shaking and crying whilst my mum tried to call the secretary. I was told the consultant would get back to me but by 2pm - still no call. I spoke to the secretary who agreed to read out the letter from my consultant over the phone. I think (couldn’t take it all in) that it is good news. My MRI shows no worrying features and they still think it’s a dermoid. They are treating it as urgent due to the risk of it twisting.

Obviously I know that I won’t get a definite answer until it’s out but for now I will take that good news and try to be more positive. I’m not good at trusting the professionals which i need to get better at doing.

I still don’t know my blood results (forgot to ask as I was so relieved about MRI) but my ca125 has not been raised.

They have been extremely speedy with my results which I should be very thankful for but it was the speediness which concerned me. I assumed the worst based on the fact that my results were read within a day and I was booked in quickly.

I should have my results in writing over the next few days which will be good because doubts keep floating back into my head.

Going to try to get a bit physically and mentally stronger before my operation.

Thank you all for your support - I have a long way to go yet but I’m hoping I am not premature in being a little bit happier today!!


Liseeloo profile image

Ahh that's great news Frenchy80! At least you have some definite answers now and can prepare yourself. It all sounds positive and that your Drs are concerned about it twisting rather than Ca. I'm guessing the cyst might be on a stalk, or pedunctulated, which will increase the risk of twists & rupture so it's great they've acted so fast. I really can't fault our NHS right now!

Good luck with everything and try and find some time to relax before the op.

Let us know how you get on xx


Had my pre op today. My consultant is lovely but not overly informative. He confirmed he is not suspecting cancer but obviously can’t confirm that until it is removed.

He showed me MRI and I couldn’t quite believe how huge the cyst is. It seems to completely fill one side of my pelvis! Interesting to see but pretty horrifying.

Very scared about the surgery now too 😓

Liseeloo profile image

Hi Frenchy80

It's quite normal to be anxious about surgery, no matter where it is. I try to think ahead and say to myself, by such & such date it should all be done! Think about Tuesday as the start of your recovery. These Drs are well trained and will have have a good understanding of benign or malignant. Be settled by his/her knowledge and confidence, they've done it before.

I've been thinking of you in the last few days, so sending you positive vibes for Monday x

I heard from my hospital today and my Op is booked for Tuesday 2nd April with pre op date to be advised. Like you, I know Drs can't day 100%until they actually operate, but I'm looking on the positive side. Although, recovery time will not be quite as restful as I'd like as it's the start of the Easter Holidays a few days after lol so hoping my 2 kids will be good! 😄

Anyway, all the best for Monday and let us know how it goes.

Lisa xx

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