Hi everyone, has anyone ever had a lung nodule/mass show on CT scan which turned out to be benign? My mum has just been told she is in remission a matter of weeks ago, however her oncologist wanted to double check a lung mass showing on CT that has reduced in size over the course of her ovarian cancer treatment and today she has been told by the pulmonary specialists that she is being referred for a PET scan to rule out malignancy. I can’t believe that this nightmare seems to be never ending and I’m hoping it turns out to be benign, but my gut is telling me it must be something sinister.
Lung nodule/mass: Hi everyone, has anyone ever... - My Ovacome
Lung nodule/mass

Hi shorty18, I have no experience of a lung nodule but just wanted to say hope everything turns out to be fine and your mum receives some positive news after her scan sending you love and hugs ♥.
Yes I have two sub pleural nodules which are being monitored but so far have not changed in size two years since discovery on CT scan.
I am in the same situation as your mum. I was diagnosed with Stage 2b High Grade Ovarian Cancer last year. On my first CT scan before I was confirmed with cancer, I was informed I had nodules on my lung which are inflammation/infection but I didn't have any treatment for the nodules. I had a CT scan a month after chemo finished. My nodules had grown slightly but I was told because of my body having chemo, my bodies immune system was lower than normal so any infection I had would be made worse.
I had a bronchoscopy in February this year which identified 2 infections/inflammations. I was given antibiotics for one infection. They are still unsure of the second. I am having a chest CT in a couple of weeks, followed by a face to face meeting with a member of the respiratory team on 31 July.
Please let us know how your mum goes on with her PET scan results.
Love and hugs.
Beth xx
Yes I had benign lung nodules. That’s the downside of CT scans, they find things you would never know about if you weren’t having them!
thank you for your reply! My mums nodule has decreased in size quite significantly since chemo so they think it’s maybe responding to chemo and that’s why they are worried about malignancy. Did your nodule decrease in size or is it unchanged?
They only mentioned it after chemo, so I presume it didn’t respond? I was told it could have been there for years
I have multiple lung nodules found in my original CT scan around diagnosis. I had a PET scan and they were not malignant.
Thank you for your reply! This has made me feel a bit better, did they say what size they were? My mums started at 8cm and has now reduced to 2cm so they are wondering if the chemo has shrunk it in which case it would be malignant. Hopefully it won’t be too long before her scan date comes through X
Hi. Mine are smaller. The biggest is just under a centimeter. I hope hers is not cancer!
Hi , I was diagnosed with a lung nodule on my CT scan at the beginning. It hasn’t changed since 2019, so I figure it is benign. However, I have CT scans showing my lung, abdomen and pelvis. They just want to keep an eye on everything. Hoping that your results come back alright, Donna