I finished Chemo 6 months ago, and my hair has grown back grey, i used my old loreal colour to go back blonde but it did not touch the grey, has anyone else had this problem.
Chemo hair: I finished Chemo 6 months ago, and my... - My Ovacome
Chemo hair

My hair came back white and gray and quite dark grey around my ears.
I decided to go blonde (I was raven haired before!) and used the Superdrug brand ultra blonde hair dye.
I used a brush and painted around my ears first and left it in extra long.
Well, from my little pic avatar you can see how it came out.
It’s very blonde, but still a little darker than I would like it around my ears!!!! And super curly!!!
I am on Chemo again, but my hair will not fall out this time. Still, I cannot dye it until the end of March! Ouch!
Very hard to keep my hands off of the hair dye!
Good luck,
Your hair is lovely I might try that my hairdresser has put highlights in 3 times and its not lifting it grew back really dark so I am still wearing my wig for that reason. The plan is to get hair extensions once its all at a decent length.
As you can see from my pic I bleached my hair the minute chemo finished and I had any hair to dye. My hairdresser has really stuggled with it though, some goes white some goes yellow so i’ve stopped and i’m Now stuck with dark brown and grey hair.
This is a new issue so maybe chemo changed my hair in some way! X

Dear Lia,
I think your hair looks good in that picture.
Since I am not trying to look “natural” I don’t use a hair dresser. Just a drugstore lightener and dye and it seems to do the trick.
I spent years dying my hair myself but fell a bit nervous of the grey. Maybe I should just give it a go! 👍
Hi there. I have dyed my (partially grey) hair 3 months after chemo and it did take. I used a colour creme without any ammoniac or ethanolamine. Maybe just try another product?
Best of luck. Xx. Maus
Thanks x
My hair came back mainly white, I dyed my hair after 6 months with Olia ( no amonia) it’s took well x
Mine is grey- I miss my blonde. I look like my dear old mum now!
I’m scared to go back to dyeing my hair because my scalp is sensitive to mousses and hairspray and my skin reacts to shower gel where these things have never happened before. I also can’t wear my silver earrings anymore, they make my ears hurt!
So many little things add up to quite a big change don’t they?
Joy 😘😘
I am 6 months post chemo but i did try to lighten hair at 5 months with oilay and have since used loreal but they have not changed the colour still grey.
I have been using loreal Elvive Extraordinary oil on my hair night and morning from three months, my scalp is ok and hair has growing thick
I am going to try one more colour then i will go to hairdressers.
Will post how i get on.
You could try gray magic with color. It works extra hard to cover grays. Also, keep color on for 1 hour before rinsing.
When I finished chemo hair grew back steely grey and curly, mid blonde before. Tried colouring after 6 months with Clairol but did not take. Two years on I go to hairdressers and get it coloured and it looks fine. Curl dropped and now slightly wavy as it was before chemo.
I lost my fading red hair with my first lot of chemo and it grew back jet black and white - giving me an steel grey colour at the front and nearly black at the back, but shiny and silky as my original hair used to be. As I've got the fair skin and freckles, and light eyebrows that go with red hair it's quite a striking look, so I decided to keep it. In the last few months I've been experimenting with fun wash out colours. I've tried turquoise, blue, purple and pink. As only the white hair takes the colour it's not too over the top - even for my advanced age. My favourite is a combination of blue and purple. I get so many compliments about the colour. I'm not the same person I was before treatment so I might as well make a statement of it. Hope you get the colour you want.