Another poem. Not so humourous but how I someti... - My Ovacome

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Another poem. Not so humourous but how I sometimes feel.

Suzanne333 profile image
39 Replies


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Suzanne333 profile image
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39 Replies
CallmeMum profile image

Absolutely love it xxx

Welshandproud profile image

Spot on lovely lady xcc

Lizz49 profile image

This is so true have a talent for poetry ☺️ Good to know that it’s hope you’re seeing....keep hold of that hope each day, that’s what I’m doing!

Take care and hugs 🤗

Liz Xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Lizz49

Hi Liz.

Yes just keep hoping. Keep going. Don’t let it rule your life. Keep getting up each day and living.

Big hugs to you xxx

GoldenGourd profile image

Suzanne you have a real way with words. Thank you for this poem.

Xx Netti xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to GoldenGourd

Aww thank you Netti. How are you doing? I hope you are doing ok. I’m thinking of you. Keep strong lovely lady xxxx

GoldenGourd profile image
GoldenGourd in reply to Suzanne333

I’m not great tbh Suzanne. Dreading the upcoming chemo but there is not much choice if I am to be around to see the young boy into uni this autumn. Take care my lovely xxx Netti

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to GoldenGourd

Oh Netti. I’m sorry. Chemo can be so harsh. I hope so much it will be kind to you. Am thinking if you. Very big hugs. Xxxx

GoldenGourd profile image
GoldenGourd in reply to Suzanne333

Thanks a lot. Although we have never met in person I feel that you and some other women on this site with whom we have communicated over the past two years or so are really good friends.

Take care

Netti xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to GoldenGourd

I feel that too Netti. It’s nice to feel that we are friends. I really like this site. I was on the Facebook one but find this one more personal.

Sending you a big hug my lovely friend xxxx

GoldenGourd profile image
GoldenGourd in reply to Suzanne333


Veronica58 profile image

Beautifully written xxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Veronica58

Thank you xxx

Kryssy profile image

Hi sweetie. A lovely poem. So full of emotion. I hope things are improving for you lifewise. Please drop me a pm if you get a chance as I think of you often. Keep writing. Love and hugs K xxxxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Kryssy

Hi Kryssy.

Thank you.

Things are improving at home. Thank goodness. Thank you so much for your invaluable advice. I hope everything is going ok with you lovely lady.

Big hugs xxxx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Suzanne333

That's so good to hear Suzanne. Little steps for big rewards. Just take each day as it comes and so long as you love each other, things will work out in the end. We all have wobblies, especially when life gets a bit tough. No-one can support you more than the person that loves you the most, even if they are a pain in the proverbial now and again. We women are perfect of course and never have moods or tantrums :-)

I'm ok-ish. This third lot of caelyx has hit me harder than the previous two, although I was expecting it as the girls had said. I'm on day 5 after treatment and still feeling very tired but the extra Emend did a great job of keeping the sickness away again but my skin on the palms of my hands has started to flake. I thought I'd escaped the dreaded skin drop. Feet ok for now. I have been lavishing on the cow cream but my reserves are getting low. Ordered more but it will take time to cross the Channel. The neuropathy is a nuisance this time too. Fingers and toes hot and tingly. My amino acids don't seem to be shifting it, although perhaps it would be worse if I wasn't taking them. Did my colon cleanse today as was fed up pooping rabbit droppings. Probably now caused a tsunami somewhere down the septic tank trail. Apart from all that crap, hubby is looking after me and I've actually got dressed today! So flipping hot here though and such a shame I have to stay out of the sun.

Yesterday, hubby suggested I took up my coloured pencils and do a bit of drawing. I haven't drawn anything for about 6 years and not painted for a year. So, ventured outside and picked a beautiful flower and set to with the pencils. Made some mistakes but decided to have another go today. Problem was, I picked a Day Lily. Doh! Chemo brain let me down again. Of course I was greeted by a shriveled up carcass in the vase this morning. Gotta laugh ay? I’ve now decided to do a bit of ironing but the iron has gone wrong and it steams all the time. I shall set up a fan with the windows wide open to blow out the steam as I go. It never rains but it pours in this flipping house – well, when this heatwave goes it will anyway.

Be nice to each other. Go give himself a big hug, for no particular reason, just because. It’s a great feeling. Big love to you (both) xxxxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Kryssy

Aww what a lovely post Kryssy.

We went out today to sunny southend. Had chips and cockles and ice cream. Lots of fun and won 4 tacky key rings on the 2p machines.

I’m glad you are drawing. Maybe not a withered flower lol. That made me laugh.

I think it’s good to write and draw and get lost in doing something creative. I get fed up of the crap television.

I’m laughing about your tsunami in the septic tank. Lol. Made me chuckle.

Thank you for always being wise and funny.

Have a lovely evening.

Lots of love xxxxx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Suzanne333

Oh, a day at Southend takes me way back. It was the fave seaside outing for us East End girls. Bag of chips with loads of vinegar whilst strolling along the prom eyeing up the boys. Then into the Kersaal for a ride on the big dipper and chuck up all the chips onto the people in front and then a candyfloss before boarding the train home again. I do hope you and yours had a good time - sounds as if you did. Well done. So proud of you (both). They are the sort of memories to treasure and relive, rather than the arguments. Hubby and I have just been watching a couple of First Dates on t.v. Yes, I know it's naff but we actually like it as we met on a blind date. We always hold hands whilst watching t.v. mainly because it stops hubby chewing his nails, but it's what we do. I turned to him and asked if he would want to see me again if we were on First Dates. He'll be able to eat solid food in a week or two..... :-)

Big love xxxxxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Kryssy

You can’t beat southend. It was a lovely day. Didn’t go on any rides. I’d be sick. Lol. I did burn my nose though.

Ahh I think that’s lovely that you hold hands while watching the TV. I’ve seen that first dates a few times. I used to feel nervous for them. We watched a film which was a bit silly but sort of enjoyable.

I hope you have a lovely day today Kryssy.

Lots of love xxxxx

Peg8080 profile image
Peg8080 in reply to Kryssy


I want you to know how much your posts mean to me and probably so many others. They are so enlighting and full of humor. I am always laughing out loud. I love reading them. You have a gift of writing. When I see your name I cannot wait to see what you have to say. It will be full of wisdom with a spin of humor that will brighten our day. I just want to thank you so much for all the laugh out louds you give us not to mention the great advice. ❤️

Big Hugs xxxxxxx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Peg8080

Thank you so much Peggy. You are so kind. I did reply this morning but a storm came and it never got sent as our Livebox went off. I wanted to say that I hope your CA stays low and how wonderful it is that us stage 4 girls do get some good news so others need not fear the unknown so much. It's the anniversary of my diagnosis today - just one year - and I'm surprised I'm still here but I am. Am determined to continue too. Take care my lovely xxxx

Peg8080 profile image
Peg8080 in reply to Kryssy


Congratulations on 1 year! We have a lot in common. My 1 year is July 11th. My CA is 19 now but the doctor is not concerned because cat scan is good and I had a bad virus. I just take one day at a time like you Kryssy and do my best. You are amazingly encouraging to all! Take Care!

Love and Hugs xxx

Jackie0 profile image

Just amazing, echoes all my thoughts!!

Much love JackieO xx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Jackie0

Aww thank you Jackie. Hope you are ok. Hugs xxxx

dryden1 profile image

Oh Suzanne, Thank you so,so much you have got to the core of what this bloody disease does to you at times. Love Chris

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to dryden1

Hi Chris.

Ahh thank you. It does do this to us. Horrible nasty disease.

Wish it would sod off and leave us all alone.

We are all here for each other.

Big hugs. Xxxx

BeeWild profile image

Thanks Suzanne, spot on xx

izzybruce profile image


Peg8080 profile image

Beautifully written Suzanne!

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Peg8080

Aww thank you. Xx

Maxjor profile image

Great poem Suzanne. You say what many of us feel so beautifully--with sole! Was glad to read there are improvements at home and I like Kryssy's idea of just giving your partner a hug for no reason. I rarely do that with hubby but always get a tilted head smile! I know you will ask so I will tell you first--had scan on Monday and have to wait till Friday to see my onc for the big reveal. Two more days..... this is when I usually start to get twinges and pain that makes me think my mind likes playing with me! I am sure means the worst!!!! oxoxxo

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Maxjor

Aww thank you. I wrote that poem as I was feeling a bit low. I’m better today.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you. I’m hoping for good news for you. It’s horrible waiting as your mind and body will start making you think things which aren’t there. It’s natural.

Please let us know how you get on.

Big hugs to you xxxxxx

eileen_alberti profile image

Your poem: spoken like a true woman, when beaten down, you just don't quit. You've probably heard this one before but here goes: women are like tea bags, you never know how strong they are until they get into hot water. I hope that brought you a laugh today.

Many blessings, Eileen

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to eileen_alberti

Hi Eileen.

Love it. Yes we are like tea bags. That did make me chuckle.

I hope all is ok with you.


eileen_alberti profile image
eileen_alberti in reply to Suzanne333

My gal that helps me clean, [can never get that 4th corner of the sheet on] is helping me paint. Actually she's on the ladder & I'm the hander-upper & getter. And it gives my spirits such a lift to see the new blue wall with the 36x36 inch picture of Mt. Fugi on it. The blue really brings out the blue in the picture. Now I feel like somebody pulled the plug on me and I'm just done in. I hope not for the day.

Tell me about your progress, I've not been on site for a while.

May blessings Eileen

Hertsmum profile image

Your poem captures so many things i’ve felt during this unexpected ‘journey’ and how crucial hanging on to hope is. Also glad you had a lovely day out in Southend. This situation really tests relationships to the limit and it’s so important to be kind to each other. In the first year I was extremely depressed and blamed myself for so many stupid reasons, I couldn’t talk about anything else and my poor hubby’s patience was stretched to breaking point!but we got through it and now even though physically I am much worse, mentally I am in a better place and we are closer than before in many ways.

Onwards and upwards Suzanne!


Madeline xxx

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Hertsmum

Hi Madeline.

It’s a horrid disease. Scary and unknowing. We must always have hope. There are lots of treatments in the pipeline.

It certainly is very very tough on relationships but if we can get through the storm we will carry on getting stronger.

Sending you a very big hug xxxx

Lizchips profile image

Wonderful poem, Suzanne you are so talented. I think you were planning on a concert in November, I know your going to make it. Stay strong your my hero, ❤❤❤Liz

Suzanne333 profile image
Suzanne333 in reply to Lizchips

Aww thank you Liz. I’m

Glad you liked the poem.

I hope you’re doing ok. I’ll write some more poems soon xxxx

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