I have over the last couple of years put weight on JUST around my tummy. I have been asked so many times when baby number 3 is due that I'm not only being driven crazy but I'm depressed about not being able to get rid of it. I was diagnosed 4 years ago with Rheumatoid Arthritis which means exercise is difficult but despite my best efforts my tummy is getting bigger and is becoming more and more uncomfortable. My Rheumatologist suggested it could be ovarian cysts (which I have before and were benign) or fibroids and I've been to see my GP who is arranging for ultrasounds, a chest xray and other tests to be done.
I have had trouble with my periods for around 9 months now which I put down to the RA drugs. I have to sleep with a pillow under my tummy as the weight of it drags so badly in bed when I'm on my side. I can no longer suck it in when walking about (to avoid comments) as it hurts so much, it feels solid and gets heavier as the day goes on. My back hurts. I'm tired and get breathless and have developed a cough (which could be a side effect of RA drugs). I get pains in my tummy especially around my period and when I ovulate. I feel like I need a wee all the time, even when I've just been and get constipated. I feel nauseas (which could be down to RA drugs) and when I eat I can only eat a small amount before feeling full, getting indigestion but then feeling hungry again an hour or so later.
I've been scaring myself silly reading through some of the blogs on this site but the more I read the more it sounds like me I'm very concerned about it now and just don't know what to do next! Thanks in advance for your help, Jo.